A wedding in Poland is a very important event for both the Bride and Groom and the guests. What should it look like? Where and when to have a wedding in Poland? How much does a wedding party cost? What style of wedding in Poland to choose? We present a guide for all young couples.
What will you learn from the article?
Planning a wedding and wondering about organizing a wedding in Poland? This is an excellent choice! Poland is famous for its rich wedding traditions, picturesque places and delicious cuisine. Organizing a wedding in Poland can be an unforgettable experience, both for the bride and groom and their guests.
In this article, we will introduce you to the most important aspects of organizing a wedding in Poland. You will learn why it is worth organizing a wedding here, what menu to choose, how to find the perfect wedding venue and what are the costs associated with organizing a wedding. You will also learn about Polish wedding ceremonies that can add a unique charm to your day and ideas for the style and theme of the wedding.
There will also be practical tips, such as how much to give for a wedding in Poland, whether it is worth preparing gifts for guests, and whether it is better to plan a wedding in 2024 or 2025. We invite you to read and discover how special a wedding in Poland can be!
- Stay and wedding in Poland - what is worth knowing?
- Wedding in Poland – why is it worth organizing?
- European Wedding Menu in Poland – What to Choose?
- How to choose a wedding venue in Poland?
- Polish wedding - rituals worth knowing
- A place for weddings in Poland - what to choose?
- How much does a wedding in Poland cost?
- How much do you give for a wedding in Poland?
- Gifts for guests - to prepare or not?
- Wedding in Poland 2024 or 2025 – what to choose?
- Which wedding menu should I choose?
- Wedding in Poland - what wedding style to choose?
- What theme to choose for a wedding in Poland?
- What are weddings in Poland associated with?
- Nowoczesne podejście do organizacji wesela w Polsce
- Znaczenie lokalizacji i zakwaterowania podczas polskiego wesela
- Personalizacja i motywy przewodnie na polskich weselach
Wedding in Poland – what is this celebration?
How to define a wedding in Poland? It is a traditional ceremony that usually takes place immediately after the wedding ceremony. It is a specific ritual ceremony, rooted in a system of legal norms and religious customs.

The custom of celebrating the moment of marriage between two people at a wedding is as old as the rite itself. It is of great importance for the newlyweds - it strengthens family and friendship ties. It strengthens the sense of community and security by pointing to the circle of people for whom they are important. However, it also has a social dimension. It legitimizes the new union and publicly sanctions its existence.

The wedding is deeply rooted in culture and customs. This game has a fixed course and formula. Regardless of the adopted convention, its main elements are a common feast and fun, usually combined with dancing. They express the joy of connecting the Bride and Groom with the bond of marriage. It is the first and most important joint venture of the newlyweds.
Wedding in Poland or abroad?
More and more often we study at foreign universities. We also often move abroad for work. We marry foreigners. And even if not all over the world, we certainly feel at home in united Europe. So when we think about a wedding and wedding reception, we ask ourselves - what kind place for a wedding choose? Look for a wedding hall in Poland or abroad?
Despite all this, many couples, even those living outside the country, decide to have their wedding in Poland. The engaged couples emphasize the unique atmosphere during weddings in Poland and the huge selection of wedding venues, especially in Lower Silesia. When it comes to sale weselne w Dolnym Śląsku is a real center of wedding services. Wealth wedding mansions, palaces, castles and wedding halls or restaurants, especially in the Karkonosze Mountains, and at the same time the ease of access, for example from Wrocław and nearby Germany, makes this region an ideal place to say the sacramental "yes".

Stay and wedding in Poland - what is worth knowing?
Polish companies, wedding venues and wedding managers mostly maintain a high, European standard of service. Most also speak English or German fluently and usually some additional language. In addition, all of them are fluent in the communication channels provided by the Internet and modern media. Therefore, you can prepare the entire wedding from abroad. It is best to discuss the details of the wedding and reception in Poland on any messenger or by e-mail. There is no need to come to take care of minor matters.
Most of the formalities can also be taken care of remotely. A good practice and the most convenient solution is to simply arrange the wedding formally in the country where you are usually staying. And in Poland, for example, organize a religious wedding, a humanist wedding or simply a big wedding. Such a solution will help avoid worries about completing the formalities, for example sending information about the concordat wedding to the office in due time. Then we will also simply have fun at our own wedding.

What is also important, a wedding in Poland and all additional wedding services can be much cheaper than abroad. This will allow us to spend the saved money on additional wedding attractions or simply spend our honeymoon in Poland right away. And if we want, we can additionally do it with the people closest to us.
How to get from the airport to Sosnówka near Karpacz?
The nearest large airport on the Polish side of the Karkonosze is in Wrocław. But of course, within the European Union, the standard is similar everywhere. Therefore, you can also get to Sosnówka near Karpacz from the airport in Prague, Dresden or Berlin. From these closer airports, the travel time is about 2 hours. In the case of a large wedding and a larger number of guests from abroad, you can rent a coach and conveniently get from the airport to Dwór Korona Karkonoszy.
You can also ask for help in organizing transport from the airport to the wedding planner in Poland. The wedding guests will certainly use the time of the journey for initial integration. Thanks to this, our wedding organized in Poland will be remembered in memories as a long and wonderful fun. In a sense, it will also be a reference to old noble wedding traditions, when the wedding lasted at least several days.

Wedding in Poland for couples from Germany
Żeby zorganizować udane wesele w Polsce dla par z Niemiec czy też innego kraju, wcale nie trzeba ciągle tu przebywać i osobiście wszystkiego załatwiać. Wystarczy współpraca z doświadczonym wedding managerem, który wszystkiego dopilnuje. Pomoże nam znaleźć i wynająć odpowiednią salę weselną, pokoje dla gości czy fotografa. zajmie się także wieloma innymi rzeczami – znajdzie dekoratorkę, kwiaciarkę, załatwi formalności, wynajmie samochody czy autokary oraz doradzi, jakie atrakcje na wesele wybrać.

This is a beneficial solution because such an experienced wedding planner knows the local market and all subcontractors very well. He knows exactly what type of services they offer and what to expect in terms of their quality. He can present us with a proposal for a scenario of the wedding ceremony and reception via the Internet. The offers of individual service providers can also be considered remotely. Today, it is so much easier because most wedding service employees are young people who know foreign languages perfectly and there will be no communication barrier. Many things can also be arranged remotely in offices, and our wedding coordinator in Poland can also help find sworn translators or mediate in setting individual dates.
A dream wedding in Poland?

A wedding in Poland can also be very financially beneficial for couples living abroad. The cost of many services, hotel or wedding catering will certainly be lower than in countries located further to the West. Also, the weakness of the Polish currency means that by spending the same amount in Poland, we can have a much higher standard and afford much more than, for example, in Germany. And there is also the plus that, if you want, you can arrange settlements in any currency. Another advantage is that by organizing a wedding in Poland for couples from Germany and their guests, you will be able to feel the local folklore. And by extending your stay a bit, you can additionally guarantee yourself a wonderful mini holiday with many attractions.
Travel and accommodation in Poland for wedding guests from Germany
Lower Silesia borders directly with Germany and the Czech Republic. For example, the very popular mountain resorts of Karpacz and Szklarska Poręba are only about an hour's drive from the border with Germany. It is also worth recalling that the roads in Poland were largely modernized after our accession to the European Union, i.e. relatively recently.
Thanks to this, their standard does not differ from what we see in the West. This means that a trip to, for example, Sosnowki near Karpacz and in the Giant Mountains it's just a comfortable ride. On the other hand, high-quality service, excellent cuisine and very interesting aesthetic impressions await us on site.

Wedding in Poland – why is it worth organizing?
A stay and wedding in Poland has long ceased to be a survival adventure, but a professionally prepared service at the highest European level. The economic acceleration after Poland's accession to the EU resulted in the creation of many modern wedding houses. Additionally, many historic buildings have been revitalized - parks, palaces, castles and manors. In many of them, you can prepare unforgettable wedding party in original historical interiors. A good example is Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz. This recently restored stylish wedding manor house has one of the most beautiful ballrooms in the region.
European wedding in Poland
If the Bride and Groom permanently reside abroad and do not feel like arranging the wedding formalities outside their place of permanent residence, there is a great solution: a wedding abroad and a wedding reception in Poland! More and more often, engaged couples decide to take this step. They then enter into marriage without unnecessary ceremonies, and organize the actual wedding party in Poland. Alternatively, they organize a moving, individualized humanist ceremony in Poland.
A wedding abroad is somewhat "technical" in nature, and the Bride and Groom invite their guests to a real wedding, which is already taking place in Poland. In this way, we have a truly European wedding in Poland!

Sosnowka wedding hall
W zależności od tego, ilu gości weselnych zaprosimy, będziemy potrzebować sali weselnej na intimate wedding albo sali balowej na huczne, polskie wedding in the mountains. Of course, there are plenty of intermediate options. We can arrange Polish wedding for 50 peopleas well as for 100 or 200 people. But how to choose the right wedding hall for the number of guests? An experienced wedding planner has a simple solution for this.

Szukacie opcji na wesele Szklarska Poręba? Rozważcie opcje w okolicy. Na przykład w Dworze Korona Karkonoszy w Sosnówce koło Karpacza nie tylko można wybrać odpowiednią salę weselną, ale też tak zaaranżować Dworską Salę Balową, by dla gości czy orkiestry było optymalnie dużo miejsca. Sala weselna Sosnówka daje po prostu wiele możliwości układu stołów, aranżacji ślubu i przyjęcia weselnego z wykorzystaniem wewnętrznej antresoli, a także sąsiedniej Sali Złotej, Sali Kominkowej lub Sali Refektarz.
The advantage of this wedding hall in Sosnówka is also that you can have the entire wedding house, including the garden and guest rooms for guests, exclusively. In the warm months, Young Couples are increasingly choosing the option of a wedding and weddings in the garden.
European Wedding Menu in Poland – What to Choose?
A wedding in Poland is associated with traditional cuisine. But it is not true that in Poland everyone eats the proverbial pork chop. On the contrary, more and more people appreciate the cuisine of other countries. Frequent trips abroad - business and vacation, as well as numerous restaurants serving European and world cuisine have made Polish people love Italian, French, Indian and Turkish food.
Polish cuisine rocks!
Many Poles appreciate the excellent coffee enjoyed by Italians, Spaniards and French, so it is easy to find it in Polish cafes and restaurants. Many Poles also love sweet, southern European breakfasts, so they have been permanently included in the menu of restaurants in Poland.
So, don't be afraid that during a wedding in Poland, our European guests will not be able to enjoy delicious coffee or crispy croissants for breakfast. Other meals will certainly be composed to the taste of all wedding guests - good wedding houses, such as Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz, offer a choice of over 200 dishes, including many European dishes and excellent craft coffee, and home-made jams and preserves with a unique taste.

Wedding in Poland yesterday and today
Wedding in Poland, as in other countries, has been considered a socially important ceremony from the beginning. Marriage is, to some extent, an institution. Even before the Polish statehood, among the Slavs, only a married person was considered a full-fledged member of society. Supposedly, there was no term for an adult, but an unmarried person! This shows that only being in a relationship was considered a natural state.
Of course, there was a time when getting married was a necessity. Man could function only in the family. It was the foundation of social and economic life. Also economic and even political, in the case of high society. Hence the custom of inviting many guests to the wedding. Since the marriage ceremony was a public rite, the wedding guests also acted as witnesses. Big wedding it was also a status symbol.
Marriage - Obligation or Choice?
Even in the 19th century, there was only one life scenario for women - getting married. So it is obvious that getting married was the goal of every woman's life. Now we have many possible paths to choose from, but we usually dream of finding our Platonic other half and spending our lives with her. Not because this is the only way we can find financial security and secure our social position as we used to, but simply - out of love.

In the second half of the 19th century, statistics were even quoted to prove that celibacy is harmful to health and morality! Reportedly, unmarried people had a greater tendency to commit crimes, inclinations to mental illness and suicide. In addition, the mentality of the time made lonely people attribute beauty flaws, such as excessive pallor, unsightly rashes, dark circles under the eyes and constant sighs ... Today we look at all this with a pinch of salt, but maybe there is no need to wait - today let's book a wedding hall!
Wedding customs
In cultural anthropology, a wedding is one of the so-called "rites of passage". The young couple gains, in a given community, official family status. The signs of this change of status are specific objects and rituals. What are they? The symbolic gesture of ending the act of marriage is a kiss between the young couple. And wedding rings, worn in Poland on the ring finger of the right hand, are a visible sign of being married.

Wedding traditions in Poland before the wedding
As everywhere else, wedding traditions in Poland were meant to emphasize the importance of the event and remind us that starting a family was important for the entire community, not just for those involved. Thus, public ceremonies, which were a kind of spectacle in which "actors" played strictly defined roles, usually lasted several days and gathered a large "audience."
Of course, the course of the ceremony itself depended on the era, place and social and economic status of the Bride and Groom and their families, but some common elements can be found.
Usually, we first had to deal with matchmakers, a kind of "matrimonial interview." Respected members of a given community tried to find out if the marriage had a chance of happening. If the prognosis was good and the bride's parents gave their consent, the engagement, also known as betrothal, took place. If not, there was recusa, or refusal.
Romantic symbol of agreement
A ring for the fiancée, today an essential element of the engagement ceremony, even the most private ones, appeared only in the 17th-18th centuries in the aristocratic spheres. Before that, wreaths were exchanged.
Rings were also initially given to both parties, not just the woman. The man would give his fiancée a family signet ring, and the bride would give him her ring; it was often a family jewel.
In addition, during the engagement, the engaged couple exchanged customary gifts. The man received a shirt sewn by his future wife, in which he should later get married. In turn, the groom should give his fiancée a pair of leather shoes.

Are you looking for the perfect wedding venue?

Wedding traditions in Poland - wedding
The wedding day was preceded by the so-called maiden's evening, during which the bride wove wreaths and a wedding rod. The wreath was once one of the bride's basic attributes. During the wedding, only unmarried groomsmen and bridesmaids should go in the bride and groom's procession, and the wedding mayor was to oversee the ceremony.

The custom of showering the newlyweds with oats, hops or rye, symbols of fertility, dates back to the Middle Ages. After the church wedding, there was a wedding feast, at which the obligatory dish was the "kołacz", a sweet cake symbolizing a good and prosperous life. The custom of giving gifts to the newlyweds also has a long tradition.
During the fun and dancing, the newlyweds left the company and were taken to the bed (usually in the countryside). There were beddings, accompanied by singing, dancing and jokes.
After the wedding night, the bride's braid was cut off and a bonnet was put on. In this way, the rite of oczepiny took place. Then, they were moved to the groom's house. There, the young spouses were welcomed with bread and salt, and then another feast began. On the way, one had to reckon with the necessity of "buying out" the bride, because the neighbors put up gates and demanded alcohol or sweets in exchange for letting the wedding procession through.
Polish weddings - new customs
Currently, we are witnessing the emergence of new wedding traditions. Habits such as:
- list of wedding gifts - if the Young Couple wants to get gifts in kind at all, they prepare a list of specific items
- specially arranged photo sessions - first before the wedding, then after the ceremony
- tuning the car carrying the Young Couple and the fences at the wedding house
- choosing the theme of the wedding so that the decorations and arrangements are consistent
- preparing additional attractions for guests during the wedding
- giving wedding guests small gifts as a souvenir of having fun together
- setting up a special website with wedding photos and videos.

How to choose a wedding venue in Poland?
Polish wedding traditions are all about big fun and joy. Of course, none of us remembers what weddings looked like 100 years ago, but we can already see photos or films of our grandmothers' or parents' weddings. Wedding houses were not yet known in Poland at that time. The fashion for them came a bit later.
In those days, weddings were mainly organized in restaurants, and in villages in community centers, fire stations or simply in barns. In the latter case, the date of the wedding and reception had to be adjusted to the annual rhythm of field work. The idea was for the barn to be simply empty, and it was most often empty before the harvest, i.e. in the summer. Hence, perhaps the belief that a summer wedding is a better option than at any other time.
Wedding hall Lower Silesia
Today, wedding venues in Poland are built to provide great fun all year round. What's more, even older venues, such as palaces, castles or manors, have modernized their representative halls to attract young couples.
They have air conditioning for the summer, appropriate heating for the winter, and all the latest technical innovations, such as lighting and sound systems. That is why today a wedding house in Poland is not only a nouveau riche palace, but also many interesting buildings with character and tradition.

The best wedding venues in Poland
Miejsce na ślub w Polsce – co wybrać? Dolny Śląsk? A może jednak Górny, ze swym postindustrialnym urokiem i wieloma zabytkami techniki, idealny na wesele (a zwłaszcza sesję fotograficzną!) dla fanów motoryzacji czy miłośników steampunka? Może jednak wybrać góry? Tylko które? Pieniny? Tatry? Magiczne, pełne tajemnic Karkonosze, w których przy okazji podróży poślubnej znajdziemy złoty pociąg? Kaszuby czy Mazury albo Pomorze? Z pewnością w każdym z tych regionów znajdziemy odpowiednią salę weselną.
Na pewno jeden z najciekawszych turystycznie regionów to Dolny Śląsk, a zwłaszcza Dolina Pałaców i Ogrodów w Kotlinie Jeleniogórskiej. I nie musicie zawężać swoich poszukiwań do wpisywania w Google frazy: wesele Szklarska Poręba. Są inne, ciekawsze alternatywy.
wedding halls
It has one of the most beautiful wedding halls in the Valley of Palaces and Gardens The Crown of the Karkonosze Manor in Sosnówka near Karpacz. It delights with its beauty and has many advantages: it is one of the highest rooms in the Jelenia Góra Valley. It has a beautiful, energetic color - a vivid but elegant red combined with white wood. A beautiful, high ceiling with white, decorative beams. A cafe on the mezzanine. Direct access to a wonderful garden, with over 100 species of plants and a rose corner. Need I say more?
Let's add spectacular views of the Karkonosze panorama and the Sosnówka reservoir. Impressive wedding photos guaranteed!

Polish wedding - rituals worth knowing
What does it actually mean: "Polish wedding"? How to define it? And can we distinguish any characteristic features of weddings or marriages in Poland in today's times, in the era of homogenization of societies, especially in the European culture? The answer to this question is difficult, especially since in the wedding industry we remain under the overwhelming influence of images and clichés repeated in popular films. And we inevitably copy these patterns.
Traditional Polish wedding
Wedding traditions are obviously dependent on the cultural, social and economic circle from which the future spouses come. Often it is the number of guests – invited to the wedding or reception – that proves the social or financial status of the Bride and Groom and their families. Usually this large wedding is considered a traditional wedding.
Customarily, a wedding means a lavish, crowded, expensive and multi-day ceremony. It is accompanied by music and dancing, food and drink. Polish wedding traditions they also require observance of a kind of wedding savoir-vivre, which defines the accepted behavior of both the Bride and Groom and other participants of the ceremony.

Dziś, myśląc o weselu, najczęściej oczyma wyobraźni widzimy sceny jak z amerykańskiego filmu. Ojciec Panny Młodej prowadzi ją do ołtarza (umiejscowionego często na świeżym powietrzu), a małe dzieci sypią kwiatki. Więc jak wygląda wesele w Polsce? Czy to faktycznie tylko „podróbka” tych amerykańskich imprez? Czy wesela w Polsce są urządzane na wzór tych, które tak często widujemy na ekranie?
Nevertheless, there are several elements of weddings that are characteristic of our culture. A traditional wedding in Poland requires the completion of certain rituals.
- Wedding in the parish of the bride - tradition dictates that the wedding take place there.
- Blessing of the Bride and Groom - before the wedding, the parents bless the young couple so that they live in harmony and happiness. This is often done at the bride's house.
- wedding gate - it's a kind of bride buying. A tradition present mainly at country weddings in Poland. Neighbors of the Bride and Groom set up gates on the route leading to the church or the wedding house, and the witness must "pay" with alcohol, sometimes with sweets, so that the wedding procession can continue.

- Bride's outfit - veil or wreath as a symbol of innocence and purity.
- wedding costs – customarily, the bride pays for the guests and food, and the groom covers the costs of alcohol and the band.
- Bread and salt welcome after the wedding, the young couple is greeted with bread and salt by their parents in front of the wedding hall. He must try the bread so that he never runs out of it, and drink a glass of vodka for good luck.
- Carrying the bride over the threshold - The groom brings his beloved to the wedding house.
- ball- the more wedding guests, the better.
- First dance Bride and Groom - it is also a signal to start the fun.

Polish wedding - rituals
- Toast raised with champagne and the newlyweds breaking glasses - for good luck.
- wedding cake - must appear at every wedding. It promises a sweet life for the young couple.
- Singing together "happy birthday" by wedding guests.

- Oczepiny – The bride throws a veil or a bouquet towards the gathered brides. In turn, the Groom throws a bow tie or tie towards the bachelors.
- Afternoon - until recently, a two-day wedding was the standard. Today, more and more often there is no post-morning, or only a common, late breakfast for visiting guests.
Weddings in Poland or abroad - which is better?
Should you organize a wedding in Poland or abroad? Most of our compatriots would like to have such dilemmas. As a result, these possibilities…
Whether weddings in Poland have more advantages than foreign ones? Weddings in Poland are primarily lower costs and the ability to invite all the guests we care about. Of course, some would also go abroad, but certainly not all. If only because of the time. Going abroad often means taking a longer vacation. It is also necessary to book airline tickets or a hotel in advance. Certainly, a wedding abroad means higher costs.

Wedding dinner - tradition or modernity?
Regardless of the number of wedding guests, whether the wedding will take place at the bride's house or in a restaurant, Polish traditions require that everyone be served a wedding dinner. In the case of a large wedding, this is quite a challenge. Therefore, especially in the case of a grand wedding, it is most convenient to use the services of a wedding house. A wedding dinner is usually the first course in the form of broth, sour soup or a bit more modern, for example, cream soups made of any vegetables.

The second course is not so obvious anymore. Although, if the wedding is attended by more guests from Poland, meat dishes, salads, potatoes or Silesian noodles are of course king. There must also be dessert after the wedding dinner. And here, the bigger the surprise for the wedding guests, the better. Because regardless of their preferences and attachment to tradition, a wedding dessert should simply cause culinary delight. Wedding cake and so called sweet table at a wedding usually only after lunch. Immediately after returning from the wedding, if the break to the wedding dinner seems too long, you can always serve appetizers, of course.
This is what Polish wedding traditions look like. However, today they are increasingly abandoned in favor of giving the bride and groom and guests a culinary surprise. Nowadays, when ordering a wedding dinner, we must also take into account the growing group of people who do not eat meat and people who may have various food allergies. Therefore good wedding house it also provides information about the ingredients of the food, for example in the wedding menu available to guests.
Wedding halls and accommodation for guests
A wedding in Poland is usually good fun until dawn. Therefore, we also need to think about accommodation for wedding guests. Wedding with an overnight stay in the mountains is an increasingly popular option. A good and practical solution is simply to arrange a wedding reception in a facility that offers both a beautiful wedding hall and rooms for wedding guests. Preferably boutique, with interesting decor.
The Bride and Groom will also find it much more convenient to have everything in one wedding venue. Then they will arrive in one place where they can simply enjoy their celebration. Everyone will be able to settle in, possibly agree on some minor details regarding the wedding and reception, and simply take care of themselves. And at the agreed time, simply leave the apartments for the wedding, and then for the reception.
Also during the ceremony itself, you can calmly refresh yourself, change clothes or rest for a moment. After all, for the bride and groom, the wedding is almost a marathon. A wedding is undoubtedly a big social commitment and a great experience. And a wedding means accepting wishes, gifts, congratulations, toasts, more dances and, undoubtedly, constant being in the center of attention and events.
Jak widać, wybierając sale weselne i overnight stay for guests it is also worth taking care of your convenience and comfort. The optimal solution is to choose a wedding house where we will have all this, plus additional spaces, a garden and service at your exclusive disposal.

A place for weddings in Poland - what to choose?
Mountains or sea? Or maybe lakes? what is the best wedding venue in Poland? Tough choice. We can be guided by:
- your preferences - if we spend every winter weekend skiing on the slopes, and in other seasons we travel mountain trails, it is known that the best place for our wedding will be the mountains. Unless we are passionate sailors, and every year we look forward to the start of the sailing season. Then let's choose the lakes. And if, above all, we love walks on the beach and the sound of sea waves, then our place for a wedding in Poland is only by the sea!
- location - let's think about where it will be easiest for us and our guests to get to, if it would be an away wedding. And thus, in which region of Poland it will be easiest for us to organize our wedding party.
- financial issues - if we care about low costs, let's choose a rather close location. In this case, the wedding venue in Poland should be located quite close to our – and our guests – place of residence. There will be no need to pay for the hotel and organize transport for the wedding guests.

It is difficult to say clearly where they are arranged best weddings in Poland. Probably if you asked a few or a dozen people about it, the answers would be different. Everyone, based on their own experiences or heard stories, would recommend a different place.
A unique wedding in the mountains
Polish mountains - especially Karkonosze – they have something magical about them. Numerous valleys, fast-flowing streams, peaks with a varied sculpture, headed by the over 1600-meter high Śnieżka. All this makes the Karkonosze mountains attract many tourists every year from the most remote corners of the country, and even from outside its borders. 0
The region has an incredibly romantic, fairy-tale aura that will perfectly match the magical nature of your wedding day. When choosing wedding in the mountains, we get a unique opportunity to take exceptional wedding photos.

How much does a wedding in Poland cost?
The price of a wedding in Poland it will depend to a large extent on whether we plan a wedding in an economic or rather de luxe version ... It is known that the same item or service, even disregarding wedding issues, can cost 10, or maybe 100 or 1000 zlotys. The same is true when organizing weddings and receptions. It is largely up to us how much we spend. Of course, there are some costs that are difficult to minimize, but in most cases wedding price in Poland depends, firstly, on our capabilities, and secondly, on our expectations and dreams for this one day in our lives.
The cost of a wedding in Poland
Jaki jest więc średni the cost of the wedding w Polsce? Przy szybko rosnącej inflacji takie dane szybko się dezaktualizują. Jedno jest pewne – weddings in Poland 2025 they will definitely cost more than they do now. And when planning a wedding budget so far in advance, you need to consider not only the current level of inflation, but also the general economic and political situation. Either way, we should assume a margin of error of about 20 percent.
How to calculate the cost of a wedding? Special applications can help us. There are those that allow you to plan in detail wedding budget. To make your task easier, it is worth using one of the ready-made templates.

It is very difficult to say what the average price of a wedding in Poland is. It is known that the average will be greatly inflated by celebrity weddings, which are sometimes reported by gossipy media – the wedding ring alone costs even a dozen thousand złoty… And the cost of such a wedding can equal the price of a luxury apartment in the centre of the capital. These are rather astronomical sums for ordinary mortals.
Thus How much does a wedding in Poland cost? currently? How much we want and how much we can spend.
Wedding costs in the past…
In the past, the authorities quite often tried to regulate the issue of wedding expenses. For example, in the Middle Ages, the Wrocław City Council introduced very detailed regulations regarding wedding receptions. In that era, and for the next several hundred years, weddings were primarily an opportunity to conclude alliances or agreements. They were economic and political, and to a lesser extent private. So they had to be big, loud and decorated "richly". Often their splendor and splendor stung the eyes. Maybe it's worth repeating luxury wedding Wroclaw?

Therefore, over the centuries, new laws were issued to regulate even the smallest details of the ceremony. For example, the issues of the bride and groom's costumes and guests, the type of gifts for the newlyweds, the number and type of allowed dances, the duration of the event, ways of remunerating servants or cooks. Regulations were even adopted specifying the acceptable menu, i.e. the type and quantity of victuals that could be used to prepare a wedding feast, as well as the number of dishes that could be served to guests. The point was, of course, that the wedding celebrations should not be too lavish and, consequently, too expensive. They wanted to avoid a situation like this, when 720 guests were invited to the wedding of a city trumpeter and a baker's daughter in 1493! The wedding lasted 8 days…
Today no one will forbid you to give us a small one - and even a big one! - fortune for the wedding. The expenses depend only on us.
The price of a wedding in Poland - a frame of expenses
What elements make up average cost of a wedding in Poland? When counting how much a wedding in Poland will cost us, we should take into account:
- Invitations
- wedding rings
- wedding outfits
- Bouquet
- Flower decorations
- Other decorations
- hairdresser
- makeup artist
- Photographer
- Wedding band/DJ
- Accommodation for guests
- Children's animator
- Attractions for guests

What wedding attractions should you provide?
If you want to make your guests' time at the wedding more pleasant, you can take advantage of additional attractions. What to surprise wedding guests? Think about what attractions match the theme of your event. folk wedding? We recommend plaiting wreaths and arranging bouquets of wildflowers. glamor? Dance show and fireworks.
Place matters…

Regardless of the style of the wedding, they will work culinary attractions.
- drink bar – colorful drinks are always very popular! They are prepared by a professional bartender.
- Bartending show - tricks with the use of glass and bottles to the rhythm of energetic music will surely delight the guests.
- DIY drink bar - a bar where guests will be able to prepare drinks on their own according to special instructions.
- Prosecco van - this sparkling Italian wine is currently the favorite drink of women - a perfect attraction!
- Craft Beer – Beer bars look elegant and suit any wedding style. Guests will surely be happy to try delicious IPA beers, lagers and seasonal beers of Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in fruit flavors, for example the cult strawberry, cherry or grapefruit beer. Also dark beers, for lovers of caramel and coffee-flavoured drinks, will find their amateurs.

- Lemonade bar - an attraction perfect for the summer heat. The drinks are usually available in different flavors: traditional, lime, strawberry or watermelon.
- Ice cream stand - it will always work! Because who doesn't like ice cream...
- Bubble waffle booth – with bubble waffles. They make cones, the center of which can be filled with any filling.
- Donut bar – donuts taste good not only on Fat Thursday…
- Chocolate fountain - you can dip fruit or sweet marshmallows in it. Loved by children, of course.

- Food truck – mobile kitchens on wheels can offer very different menus, from pizza to burgers to Asian dumplings. There's plenty to choose from!
- Sushi bar - it is worth enriching this attraction with a live cooking show. Sushi master will surely charm your wedding guests.
- Fish table - still rarely seen at weddings, but it is becoming more and more popular.
Attractions that please the eyes
When it comes to visual attractions that can pleasantly surprise our guests, there is also plenty to choose from. We can dazzle them with a drone show that will "paint" the names of the Bride and Groom in the sky. Laser shows are also very popular, especially since they can also be organized indoors.
Other proven attractions for guests include sparklers and soap bubbles – everyone likes them, regardless of age. You can also hire an illusionist who will prepare a professional magic show. Or acrobats who will delight guests with dance shows combined with acrobatics.

Additional attractions for wedding guests
Other ideas for attractions for guests include the currently very popular Instax photos. These photos, ready immediately, taken by the guests themselves, are a lovely keepsake. They can also be used immediately to create a guest book, in which the wedding guests can write their wishes for the newlyweds and possibly paste in photos. A photo booth or its newer version, the magic mirror, is still very popular at weddings.
Photos can be signed, emoticons added, and immediately published online. Or maybe decide to have a slideshow of photos of the Bride and Groom? The slideshow can be a record of the relationship or the entire life of the Bride and Groom. The latter will generate more laughter, because the Bride and Groom were certainly charming and funny as children!
Unconventional entertainment
In turn, the casino is an ideal attraction for themed weddings, for example in the style of the 1920s or Casino Royal with agent 007. An interesting proposition for guests is also a tattoo studio, of course temporary. Great for nautical or gothic weddings!
An attraction that arouses many emotions is definitely a mobile escape room. Everyone likes solving puzzles! Of course, the wedding version lasts much shorter, only fifteen minutes, so more guests can take advantage of this fun during the reception.

How much do you give for a wedding in Poland?
They say gentlemen don't talk about money, but... Unfortunately, there is no equally clear answer to the question: How much do you give for a wedding in Poland? And this is a very important question. This issue usually arises right after we receive an invitation to a wedding ceremony. There may be several answers.

Some say that you should give enough to cover at least the fee for the so-called plate and possible accommodation. Opponents of this thesis claim that they have no intention of sponsoring anyone's wedding. And that if someone throws a party, they can probably afford it. And if someone invites family or friends who are in a more difficult financial situation, they probably do not expect coconuts from them. He invites, as it were, "at his own risk", reckoning that even the cost of the plate will not pay for him.
Still another school says that everything depends on the degree of kinship or on the functions performed during the wedding. According to this, the parents of the Bride and Groom, siblings, godparents or witnesses should put more into the envelope than "ordinary" guests.
On the other hand, some argue that the amount of the donation should depend on the wealth and social position of the guests. Of course, the higher the guests rank, the more they should give in the wedding envelope. By the way, this is the custom of Italian families. It was there that the model was adopted in which it is assumed that if someone wants to be considered elite, he should give relatives and friends according to this status. To sum up - it is worth adopting the rule: we simply give as much as we can afford.
A wedding in the mountains?

Tangible gifts or envelopes?
Tangible gifts or envelopes? What will make the young couple happy? Nowadays, gifts in kind are usually abandoned, unless the bride and groom specifically request something. But it happens less and less. It's just that most adult Poles (and marriages are being concluded at an increasingly later age, in 2018 the median age of newlyweds was 30 for men and almost 28 for women), they already have a furnished apartment and everything they need to live.
In the past, wedding gifts were given, for example, tableware, bedding or household appliances. But times were tougher and the choice of these items was limited. Now everyone can easily buy the coffee machine model they want.

In addition, the model of life has changed a lot, and what's more, new fashions are emerging. Many people do not want to accumulate unnecessary, in their opinion, things. Others move often, so they prefer to live minimalist. There are also more and more supporters of the zero waste trend, or, in a moderate version, less waste - they also do not want to buy and collect items. If they do decide to buy something, it is often used, second-hand items.
And at the same time, we may be dealing with a Bride and Groom from the opposite extreme, who believe that they must have what is currently the newest, fastest and most trendy. In this case, it would also be difficult to find a gift in kind, so it's better not to even try.
Gifts for guests - to prepare or not?
Giving guests small gifts at the end of the wedding event is a nice custom that came to us from the West. It is an additional attraction and at the same time a thank you. By handing gifts to the wedding guests, we show them that we appreciate their presence at our wedding and we are glad that they could accompany us at this special moment of our lives.
What to choose as a gift? It really can be a trifle, for example, homemade tincture in small bottles with the appropriate label with the date of the wedding. Or some sweets in a specially designed keepsake box. A plate with photos of the Bride and Groom or photos from the wedding (if the photographer has time!). Cookies with love quotes or small jars of honeyalso with commemorative stickers. An interesting proposition may be caricatures of guests, made by an invited artist. Guests will be able to take the drawings taken during the party with them as souvenirs.
In fact, the type of gift does not matter that much, because the gesture itself counts!

Wedding in Poland 2024 or 2025 – what to choose?
Just last minute wedding! It's really worth it if you happen to have money that loses value so quickly. And a moment of free time. And besides, we were planning a wedding anyway, but somehow we couldn't get down to organizing them. So let's do it quickly and painlessly.
At a last minute wedding, we will not consider various issues, such as what bouquet, what decorations, for too long. We won't have to meticulously determine every, even the smallest detail of the ceremony. There just won't be time for that. If we don't have a problem with making decisions quickly and we don't like splitting hairs, a last-minute wedding is the perfect solution for us. At least we won't spend several months wondering whether the dress should be lace or plain, and what invitations to choose.

In addition, some young couples do not want to wait months for the moment when they officially say "yes" to each other and decide to have a last-minute wedding. Of course, if someone likes to have everything refined and planned in detail well in advance, such a wedding is not a good option for him.
There is also another argument, financial. In a year or two it will definitely be more expensive. For now, it is difficult to say what a wedding in Poland 2025 will look like, but one thing is certain - it will cost much more than today.
Country weddings in Poland
Many people are attracted to the undeniable charm of the countryside. It is associated with holidays, rest, idyllic, blissful atmosphere. Peace and quiet. So it's no wonder that country weddings in Poland they are so popular. Of course, they have little in common with traditional rural weddings that were held during the lifetime of our great-grandparents. But what they have in common is a place – a charming village.
It also seems that organizing a wedding in the countryside guarantees greater privacy and intimacy. The wedding hall is usually booked exclusively, no other events take place behind the wall. Almost always the Young Couple and guests have a garden at their disposal, often quite large, where you can also arrange a civil wedding or after-party. In the garden you can set up attractions for children, if there are more of them at the wedding. Most often, wedding venues located in villages also have a large hotel base, so there is no problem with accommodation even for a larger group of wedding guests.
The only thing that needs to be taken care of is the arrival of guests. But you can arrange a trip in a few - a dozen or so cars, or rent a coach, and the matter is settled.
So to the question - where is the Polish wedding best to arrange? in the countryside or in the city? – it seems that there can be only one answer: in the countryside. Country weddings they probably work better.

Wedding in Poland in the mountains
Mountain ranges form our southern border. These are ideal places not only for tourists, but also for couples who want to get married.
A wedding in Poland in the mountains, where we can commune with wild nature, watch stunning landscapes and enjoy magnificent architecture, can be a wonderful adventure. No one is surprised that Lower Silesia is the wedding capital of Poland. The Karkonosze Mountains are full of charming manor houses, magnificent palaces and elegant wedding houses, which attract young couples from all over the country and abroad. It also turns out that such a wedding away in the mountains does not have to be more expensive than one organized at home.

In Lower Silesia, it is easiest to find facilities dealing with comprehensive organization of weddings. They offer tailor-made wedding ceremonies. The best wedding venues in the region offer organization, assistance and advice at every stage of preparation.
Ślub w Polsce – duża impreza czy kameralne przyjęcie?
For years, it was assumed that a wedding should be grand, that apart from close and distant family, neighbors, friends and work colleagues should be invited to it. And even contractors. However, let's think about it, does a wedding always have to be grand? Such large weddings were often organized according to the principle of "stay and stand".
However, if we do not like large and grand parties, let's think about a smaller celebration. Maybe the vision of a big wedding full of people with whom we have no closer ties does not appeal to us at all? Let's decide in that case intimate wedding in the mountains. A carefully selected group of loved ones will certainly make us feel special and we will have a great time. It is worth listening to your own desires!

What music to choose for a wedding?
During the wedding, we usually use the services of professional DJs or bands. But how do you decide which wedding music will it work? What to choose? Difficult question. Regardless of whether you decide to hire a DJ or hire a band, you need to determine a fairly detailed repertoire. The point is that during the wedding, music that does not suit us or our guests is not played or played.

If we decide on a more intimate party, we can prepare a playlist ourselves or ask someone from the guests for help. Compilations can be thematic or refer to your favorite music style or era. If the bride or groom have their favorite pieces, be sure to take their preferences into account.
However, it is worth remembering that excessive homogeneity can be tiring, and even unbearable for people with different musical tastes. Music should suit everyone, although of course it's not easy to choose songs like this. So let's think about a wish concert! Let everyone have the right to present their favorite songs. It may turn out that this type of fun will provide you and your guests with a lot of good entertainment!

Photographer for a wedding in Poland
Today, a photo service is an essential element of almost every wedding. No wonder, after all Withpictures from the wedding they allow you to capture and keep in the frame unique moments full of emotions and emotions. It's worth having such a memory.
Wedding photos – a keepsake for years
Profesjonalny fotograf na ślub na pewno się sprawdzi. Jednak w dzisiejszych czasach prawie każdy może zrobić dobre zdjęcia, nawet przy użyciu aparatu dostępnego w telefonie. Aplikacje w komórkach są już tak zaawansowane, że po włączeniu odpowiedniego trybu wystarczy wcisnąć migawkę. Fotografom amatorom warto tylko przypomnieć, że przy mocnym słońcu zdjęcia mogą wyjść bardziej kontrastowe. Trzeba zwrócić na to uwagę, bo różnica światła w pełnym świetle i cieniu będzie bardzo duża, może nawet zbyt duża. Na zdjęciach miejsca zacienione mogą wyjść zbyt ciemne. Ponadto robiąc zdjęcia w plenerze zwróćmy uwagę na to, co znajduje się w tle.
The photographer should accompany the Bride and Groom from the first preparations, through the so-called first look (the Bride and Groom's first look at each other, already in official wedding clothes), through the entire ceremony, until the moment of unpacking the gifts and departure of the guests. Good wedding photos should capture the most interesting and important moments of the ceremony and fun, but also create a certain whole. Wedding photography is the art of telling a story. This is a story about happiness, love and devotion.

Wedding videographer - who to choose? Young couples usually use the services of a professional photographer. Before signing the contract, it is worth meeting him in person. We should check if we feel comfortable in his company. If not, the photos will probably fail. A good photographer should be able to listen when we talk about our expectations. Be sure to ask for a portfolio to see what aesthetics he adheres to. We also need to determine the time of service provision. Finally, it is necessary to specify in what form we will get photos and films - photo book, CD, printed photos for loved ones, etc.

Wedding reportage
How to keep our wedding and those wonderful emotions in our memory forever? Wedding photos or videos will of course allow us to return to those wonderful moments. But do they fully capture the whole atmosphere, the behind-the-scenes preparations, the small but very funny mishaps? A good solution is to prepare something like a wedding reportage. There is also a fashion for direct online broadcasts of the most important moments of the wedding to social media. But most of us still appreciate a more intimate atmosphere and true feelings in the real world.

That's why a wedding report doesn't have to be just filming everything from A to Z. It's more about showing and telling a story. Namely, it should be a report from the wedding preparations, fittings, possible hen or stag parties. An important note here: let's not overdo it with extreme attractions! And a wedding report can also start with a reference to how the Bride and Groom met in the first place, what the invitations looked like, how they greet guests.
Of course, it cannot be without key moments, such as the wedding and the exchange of vows, wedding rings or the bride's dress in all its glory. It is also worth showing the wedding venue from different perspectives. Perhaps record short statements by guests or the bringing in of the wedding cake. Traditional oczepiny are organized less and less often at weddings, but if they do take place, it is also worth immortalizing them. The first dance of the bride and groom, but also the after-party and the first day of marriage are also worth saving on film.
A wedding with or without children?
Children at the wedding - a controversial topic. Some people think that a wedding is not a party for little ones. That children will disturb adults in their play. In addition, they will actually get bored and require constant attention from their caregivers, not allowing adults to fully relax. However, for others, the presence of children at the wedding is the most natural and obvious.
The decision whether to invite guests with children or not must ultimately be made by the Bride and Groom themselves, but employment can be considered wedding entertainer. Profesjonalista poradzi sobie z najbardziej nawet znudzonymi maluchami! Zapewni im odpowiednie atrakcje i wypełni czas ciekawymi zabawami. Attractions for children at the wedding to kluczowa sprawa. Dla spokoju weselników warto chyba zatrudnić animatora, który zajmie się najmłodszymi gośćmi w trakcie przyjęcia.

Alcohol for a wedding in Poland
Which one to choose alcohol for a wedding in Poland? You know, the classic is pure vodka. However, more and more often, in addition to white vodka, other alcohols are served at wedding receptions. Currently, wedding guests expect weaker drinks, especially wine. Especially in hot weather, vodka will not necessarily work. It's just too much alcohol for the summer. But what wedding wine to choose? White or red? Or maybe pink? Sweet, semi-dry or dry? Sparkling or no bubbles? Which strains will taste the most to guests? There are many options, the choice is difficult, because everyone has different tastes and preferences. If we do not know the tastes of all guests, it is best to prepare a variety of wines.
Wine at the wedding
It is worth mentioning that for several years now, light sparkling Italian wines have been very popular – prosecco or frizzante. Very refreshing, ideal for summer, they are also suitable for drinks. In the heat, spritzers are just as good, i.e. light drinks consisting of white wine, sparkling water and ice. They add energy to the fun, and this usually lasts until dawn on endless summer nights!
In late autumn or winter, you can serve your guests mulled wine. This drink, popular in ancient Rome and known in Poland since the Middle Ages, is perfect for a wedding in the colder season. Wine, white or red, depending on your preferences, seasoned with a large amount of cloves, lemons, oranges, ginger and honey will certainly put your guests in a positive mood and give them the energy they need to party all night long.
Not everyone knows that cider also tastes great warm. It is worth reaching for this wonderful drink made from Polish apples. If you want to surprise your guests, you can serve such cider mulled wine in hollowed-out apples.

Beer is also increasingly appearing at weddings. A drink that is ideal especially for summer parties. It refreshes and quenches thirst during crazy dances. Craft beers are especially noteworthy. Delicious IPYs, lagers, and seasonal beers in fruity flavors will find many fans.
Which wedding menu should I choose?
What dishes should be served to guests at a wedding reception? Polish or European cuisine? Or maybe weave a bit of exoticism into the menu and prepare, for example, a sushi bar? The decision is not easy. It is definitely worth matching the menu to the season. In the middle of a hot summer, mulled wine and heavy żurek will probably not find many fans. Similarly, cold soup and sorbets in the middle of a frosty winter. In addition, matching the menu to the season will allow us to use seasonal products. And this is in line with the pro-ecological less waste activities, so important for many people today. Seasonal products are fresh and certainly the tastiest exactly when it is time for them.
The wedding menu should be versatile enough for each guest to find something tasty. At the same time, interesting and varied enough for the wedding guests to get to know new flavors. And remember our wedding for longer, also because of the dishes they had the opportunity to try.
It is worth reaching for recipes from other parts of the world, but also returning to the tastes of our ancestors. Groats, so fashionable today, used to be a staple of the diet, similar to long-forgotten vegetables such as Jerusalem artichoke, kale or artichokes. We are returning to them in Polish cuisine, and dishes prepared from them - homely and exotic at the same time - can be an interesting accent on the wedding menu.

Moreover wedding food can, and even should, include regional dishes. It is also a less waste activity. By choosing them, we do not damage the environment, because local products are used for the production of wedding dishes, which do not flow to us, for example, from across the ocean.
When setting the menu, it is also worth considering people with special dietary needs. Vegans already make up 6 percent of the Polish society, vegetarians make up one tenth of the population, as well as people on a gluten-free diet. And there are also lactose intolerant people - that's up to a quarter of the population! Let's make sure that they can also enjoy the excellent cuisine during the wedding reception.
All colors of weddings
Spring, summer, autumn, winter… All seasons are beautiful in Poland. And they are all perfect for weddings and weddings. It depends only on our expectations which season we choose.
If we can't resist the magic of snowflakes swirling in the light of the lantern, we know we choose winter wedding. We always succumb to the spell of fiery autumn leaves? Their gold and purple have an irresistible charm to us? Let's arrange wedding in september wedding in October or november. Above all, we love the sun and we are not afraid of any heat? We'll get married, of course in summerpreferably in the garden. Or maybe it is only in spring that we feel that we are really alive? We wake up from a long winter sleep with birds and flowers, full of energy and verve? Our wedding, of course, should take place spring.
The colors of the party can always be adapted to the season. Then we will receive some of the decorations for free, thanks to the generosity of nature.

Wedding in Poland and wedding superstitions
Man has always tried to guarantee his prosperity in various ways. He wanted to influence fate, deceive destiny, in spite of everything and in spite of everything, to ensure his happiness. Especially in the so-called "moment of transition", i.e. also at the time of marriage. They tried to follow certain rules so as not to tempt fate. Superstitions, beliefs, rituals, ceremonies, witchcraft, superstitions… There are so many wedding and marriage superstitionsthat if you wanted to comply with all the prohibitions so as not to bring bad luck to yourself during the wedding and reception, it would quickly turn out that we would not be able to get married and hold a wedding reception at all.
But one superstition reigns over them all - the supposedly magical letter "r"...
Wedding in Poland - a month with the letter "r" or without?
In Poland, superstitions for the month of weddings and receptions require you to choose a month that has the letter "r" in its name. Where did the belief that sticking to this rule will ensure success, harmony and love in a marriage come from?
According to one theory, the letter "r" in the name of the month means "family". A wedding in the month with "r" emphasizes the moment of marriage - the creation of a new family. Another theory is related to numerology. The letter "r" is associated with the number 9, which means prosperity and eternal happiness.
However, if we want to stick to it, we have only 6 months to choose from, exactly half of the year - March, June, August, September, October and December. Few. It would be difficult to organize weddings only in these few months. And besides, maybe for some reason we dream of a wedding in April? Or we want to take wedding in January whether to decorate wedding in November?
What to do not to tempt fate by example wedding in May? There is a loophole: the superstition does not say what language the letter "r" is supposed to be in. And since beliefs of this kind usually date back to ancient times, it is possible that the principle may have applied to the Latin names of the months, commonly used in Europe for centuries. This assumption broadens our range of possibilities. January (Januarius), February (Februarius), April (April Fools) and November (November) are added to the list of "lucky" months. In turn, May has the letter "r" in Ukrainian (trawen), and July in Czech (červenec). And these are also languages close to us, Slavic. So you can see that a more creative approach to the names of the months is enough, and all months are perfect for a wedding.

Wedding in Poland - what day of the week to choose?
We all know that for years the most "natural" day to get married in Poland has been Saturday. But does it have to be that way? On the one hand, it is a logical choice - a day off from work, but shops and service points are open. And at the same time, it is the beginning of the weekend, the next day is free again, you can organize a party after the wedding and relax after the fun. That is why Saturday is the most popular day in wedding calendars.
A jednak, gdybyśmy chcieli kierować się ceną usług weselnych, warto wybrać inne dni. Ceny wesela mogą znacząco się różnić, zależnie od dnia tygodnia. Wesela organizowane w tygodniu, zwłaszcza w jego pierwszej połowie (poniedziałek-środa) są rzadsze, a co za tym idzie, dużo tańsze. I jeszcze jeden argument – dostępność sal weselnych i podwykonawców. Tak więc w inne dni tygodnia niż sobota ceny spadają, a dostępność usług rośnie. Co prawda dzień powszedni wydaje się nam, na pierwszy rzut oka, zupełnie nieprzystosowany do takiej uroczystości, ale kwestie finansowe i logistyczne mogą zrównoważyć niedogodności związane z organizacją wesela w tygodniu. Także wedding on Sunday has recently gained supporters.

Ponadto dla przesądnych Par Młodych koronnym argumentem może być fakt, że według dawnych wierzeń sobota to wcale nie jest najlepszy dzień na małżeństwo! Dlaczego? Bo w sobotę „na dwoje babka wróżyła”, a więc nie wiadomo, czy znajdziemy szczęście w małżeństwie. Najlepiej wziąć ślub na początku tygodnia. Wedding on Monday supposedly brings health in marriage and wealth on Tuesday. Wednesday is simply a perfect day for a wedding, although folk traditions unfortunately do not reveal why...
Wedding in Poland - what wedding style to choose?
It is a truism to say that a wedding is a very important moment in the life of every bride and groom. These moments require a unique setting. Specified wedding style it's a great way to give your party character. This is an opportunity to create a coherent arrangement that will take guests into the imagined world of the Bride and Groom.
What style should you have your wedding in? There are of course many possibilities. Let's think about what's in our soul? What attracts us? What aesthetics are close to us and what we don't like? The most popular are glamour, rustic and boho weddings. But they're not the only ones! Let's take a closer look at a few of them.
Rustic style for a wedding
This is a very popular style, especially when it comes to country weddings. It's obvious, because the rustic style draws inspiration from nature and the idyllic atmosphere of the countryside. Elements of the style? Wildflowers, aged wooden decorations, lace, paper cutouts. Materials that fit this style are linen, batiste and canvas.
The main colors of a rustic wedding are green, white and ecru. It is also worth adding earthy colors, i.e. beige and brown. The bride and groom's outfits should be simple, made of natural materials, a wreath on the head or wild flowers woven into the hair. Simplicity and naturalness are the determinants of this aesthetic.

Boho aesthetics
This style is a bit crazy, bursting with colors and patterns. It will be perfect for a casual wedding reception in the garden. Its juicy colors will show their full power against the background of nature. Patchwork could be a symbol of the boho style.
Let's use floral pillows and colorful blankets. Let's add leopard spots, Łowicz and tiger stripes spiced up with a bit of Scottish plaid. Add plastic beads, paper rosettes and fluffy pompoms. And let's illuminate it all with lanterns from different parts of the world. This aesthetic is not for everyone, but it will certainly appeal to people with an artistic flair. Currently, boho often appears in darker colors, and then it looks more elegant.
English style - elegant wedding
An English-style wedding is a suggestion for lovers of the classics. Timeless elegance always works! Moderation, subdued colors, sophisticated decorations - this is the quintessence of a classic English-style wedding. It is worth considering organizing such a wedding in a rose garden. Roses are, after all, a symbol of English gardens.

It is worth considering folk or neofolk if the first one is too “literal” for us. Both are based on rural style and decorations. In neofolk style, we choose only the most beautiful from crafts and folk art and combine them with modern details.
This style cannot be complete without colorful scarves and ribbons, elements in intense red, subtle paper cutouts. We use regional ornaments from different parts of Poland – roosters, Podhale parzenice, Łowicz belts or peacock eyes taken from Kurpie culture. Maybe decorate the wedding hall with rural “spiders”? Simplicity, although often with a touch of sophistication, colorful fabrics, unpretentiousness – this is what attracts us to neofolk.
A glamorous wedding
Glamour is a style for lovers of shine and glitz. It comes from the so-called "golden age of Hollywood stars", i.e. the 1930s and 1940s. Famous actresses were fond of luxurious materials. They loved crystals and silver and gold. They loved mirrors and pearls, down accessories and shiny surfaces. The interiors of their apartments were illuminated by impressive golden chandeliers and shimmering candlesticks, and decorated with elegant vases with fresh flowers. All this against a background of purple, pink or red.
Be careful, when organizing a wedding in a glamorous style it is easy to overdo it with decorations and fall into kitsch!

Greenery style – means the use of green, its botanical shade. This style is becoming more and more popular, because who wouldn't want to get married surrounded by plants? The greenery style at a wedding is based primarily on accessories and decorations. Instead of traditional floral bouquets, we use magnificent fern leaves. Of course, surrounded by elements made of natural wood, wicker or linen. A wedding arrangement with nature in the lead role is certainly an ideal proposition for all those addicted to nature! Green wedding decorations they will always work.
Hamptons style wedding
This style will make you feel like you're on a seaside vacation at your own wedding. You can organize it outdoors. It's best to have a nautical-style garden, but it's not a must. You'll need tall grass and some sand. The furniture must be made of white wickerwork, which is very popular, by the way. Choose pillows or throws with starfish, seahorses, or exotic fish patterns. Blue and white stripes will also work well. Add wicker baskets and trays, as well as shells. If you light the whole thing with atmospheric lanterns in the style of lighthouses, you'll have a coastal atmosphere!
At such a wedding, we can afford a more casual, "beach" wedding styling. Sandals or bare feet, hair blowing in the wind, or "tamed" only with a wreath of grass - that's enough! The dress is also not a typical wedding dress, rather airy linen or cambric. The colors of the outfits and arrangements are of course white, blue, navy blue. You can add some sand beige. Add gold or silver accessories to emphasize the style.

What theme to choose for a wedding in Poland?
What leitmotif to choose? And is it needed at all? Definitely yes. It is worth thinking about a coherent wedding arrangement. Wedding decorations presenting the same style will set the mood we want and make the party look great in photos. In addition, guests will remember the characteristic colors and leitmotifs of our wedding.
Thus, the decorations of the ballroom, tables, garden, decorations in the church, arrangement of the wedding gate, cars, vignettes, alcohol tags, wedding menus or tickets should be kept in one convention. what? The themes can be really diverse. They can express our interests, show our favorite style or colors.

For example? If we regularly participate in gothic rock fan rallies in Bolków, maybe we dream of a gothic wedding? Or in the steampunk style if we are fascinated by the industrial revolution and the age of iron and steam? Or maybe we dream military wedding or survival? If we are lovers of self-defense and survival schools, why not wear a leopard dress to the wedding? You can also arrange a wedding in Bollywood style, if you passionately watch the productions of this genre.
Do you want to have a wedding unlike any other?

You can see right away that there can be a lot of leitmotifs for weddings in Poland. Are we not parting with our two wheels? We bike everywhere? We can also go to the wedding this way! Let's make the bike the theme of the wedding. Alternatively Star Wars? Or godfather? Or rather we choose Alice in Wonderland? Or maybe the English style under the sign of racing at Ascot? Imagine those stunning hats…
This type of bold, sometimes a bit crazy, stylizations are more popular in the States, but here, too, newlyweds more and more often individualize their parties, expressing their passions and interests.
Thematic wedding
If the Bride and Groom would like to have a themed wedding – no problem. We can organize any idea and make the Bride and Groom's dreams come true. We have already implemented various scenarios – from a 50s-style ceremony to a wedding straight from the famous Bond movie Casino Royale.
Flexibility is the main advantage of every good wedding hall, which Dwór Korona Karkonoszy can certainly call itself. We are confident in our competence. The satisfaction of our clients is worth its weight in gold to us! – says Joanna Hoc-Kopiej, wedding expert.

Or maybe a garden for a wedding in Poland?
A garden wedding in Poland is a dream of many young couples. However, fears often outweigh desires and the reception is held indoors. Why exactly? Unless we are talking about the middle of winter, the weather should not prevent us from celebrating a wedding and reception outdoors.
An outdoor wedding can really be perfect. If you dream of a wedding unlike any other, consider organizing a garden wedding reception. It is recommended for the Young Couples who enjoy contact with nature, love nature, and are fascinated by the world of plants. When having a garden wedding, it is best to choose a style that is not too "committal". Boho or rustic will work well. If we dream of a wedding and reception in a folk or neofolk style, a garden is practically the only option! In such conditions, an arrangement referring to rural traditions will be the best.
Wedding in the garden
A garden wedding and reception can be a continuation of the customs of our ancestors. Slavs in pre-Christian times usually married in sacred groves. Greenery has something magical about it, it puts us in a good mood, arouses positive emotions. Nothing but getting married in the garden! In the case of a civil or humanist wedding, it is absolutely possible.
So how to prepare wedding in the garden? It's nothing hard. Let's use its natural charm! After all, we have trees, shrubs and flowers at our disposal, i.e. ready-made decorations created by Mother Nature.

Outdoor wedding
Let's think about the style of the wedding we plan to have and what kind of garden we have. A nautical garden will be perfect for a Hamptons or boho wedding. A slightly wild, naturalistic garden will work well for rustic, folk or neofolk weddings. Or let's choose a classic English garden if we dream of a romantic wedding surrounded by beautifully blooming rose bushes.
An elegant, perfectly trimmed French-style garden is perfect for glamorous weddings. If minimalism is close to you, look for a modern geometric-style garden. Or maybe you are fascinated by the East and its aesthetics? A Japanese garden will be the best. There are many possibilities.

AND how to organize a wedding na zewnątrz, jeśli pogoda nam nie sprzyja? Jak mawiają Anglicy, nie ma złej pogody, jest tylko nieodpowiedni ubiór. Ciepłe, przeciwdeszczowe stroje pomogą nam dobrze bawić się na weselu nawet podczas deszczu. Większość gości chętnie je włoży, w końcu kto lubi męczyć się w szpilkach czy krawacie przez cały dzień… Ponadto w przetrwaniu ewentualnego załamania pogody pomóc nam może wieczorne ognisko i pyszny grzaniec.Poza tym aura w naszym kraju coraz bardziej sprzyja plenerowym imprezom, więc nie warto martwić się na zapas.
You can also prepare a special tent, in case the rain also decides to participate in our wedding. The walls of the tent can be raised to admire nature. During the rain, the green is particularly intense, exceptionally beautiful. The proximity of nature will give the party a unique character. In addition, the tent can be decorated in any style, perfectly matching our theme.
Wedding dress for a wedding in Poland
I don't think anyone arouses such interest at a wedding as the bride's person. No wonder, she plays the main role in the spectacle, which she always is to some extent wedding party. The Groom is of course also important, but usually remains somewhere in the background, somewhat as an addition to his newlywed wife. Why does it look like this? Of course, mainly because of the Bride's outfit.
Let's not kid ourselves, we can't come up with much when it comes to men's attire for a wedding. But when it comes to the Bride's attire... Here, we can let our imagination run wild. So everyone wonders what kind of dress she'll wear, what accessories, shoes, maybe a shawl? Outerwear, because the season isn't conducive to parading around with bare shoulders? Wedding dress always arouses the interest of guests!
Weddings in Poland Brides usually take a white dress. For at least several decades, this color has reigned in wedding dress salons and at wedding fashion shows. Of course, it comes in different shades - white is uneven. White can be creamy, creamy, or in a shade of rum or toffee, to reach only for culinary connotations. Very popular ecru or ivory. Or just white.
However, the white wedding dress, so obvious to us today, has quite a short history. For centuries, brides, especially from less affluent social strata (that is, the majority) did not have a special dress for the wedding and reception. They just couldn't afford it. They put on their best dress. Or the best dress of mom, sister or friend. Dressed like this, they went to the wedding, complementing their outfit at most with a bouquet or veil to emphasize the festive nature of the outfit.

In turn, in the wealthier classes, the wedding dress reflected the social and material status of the bride's family. But therefore, she wasn't necessarily white either, rather she was supposed to be rich. Luxurious materials, furs, leathers - that's what allowed to show the splendor of a powerful family.
Bride in white
The white wedding dress became popular in our culture only in the 19th century. It was around then that the color white was considered a symbol of innocence, appropriate for the bride. However, even then, this color was chosen primarily by representatives of the higher social classes, for whom the issue of the (im)practicality of a white dress did not matter. Even in the 18th and early 19th centuries, wedding dresses were often gray or blue.

It is also worth mentioning that in other cultures, brides wear dresses in colors other than white. For example, these dresses in China or India are customarily red, because this color symbolizes happiness and prosperity. In India, green creations are also popular, also auguring success. White wedding dresses are rather uncommon in Mexico and India, where white is the color of sadness and mourning. Mexican brides most often go to the wedding in dresses in ... black!
wedding outfits
Mostly on weddings in Poland Brides sew or buy their dress in a specialist salon. However, there are more and more women who, for financial or ecological reasons, do not want to buy a dress that they will only wear once. They prefer to rent a dress or borrow one from a friend. Or buy a suitable model, not necessarily a typical wedding model, in so-called chain stores.
This type of action, in the spirit of zero waste or less waste, is gaining more and more supporters. Although it is hard to imagine the traditional wedding dress disappearing completely from the wedding landscape anytime soon…

Bride's Bouquet
What should the bride's bouquet look like? Simple wildflowers or slightly exotic strelitzia? Always elegant roses or homely poppies? What to choose? It's easy to get lost in such diversity. And all those colors! You can partly be guided by the season - seasonal flowers will always have good prices. Partly - wedding style. Rustic wedding, and the bride with anthurium - not necessarily ... Just like during a glamor wedding, a bouquet of daisies would be a clash.
The language of flowers
Or maybe be guided by the so-called "language of flowers"? Violet is a symbol of fidelity, carnation stands for pure love. Lilies of the valley are happiness, and who wouldn't want to be happy in marriage? In a wedding bouquet, we can also put symbols of fidelity, i.e. Jericho roses, or forget-me-nots meaning the memory of someone. A humble daisy is sharing with someone. Lilia means purity, and we go to the wedding with a pure heart. Camellia means gratitude. Maybe for the happiness that is the love of another person for us? Phlox symbolizes being together, and the rather rare hyacinth means the attachment of the newlyweds to each other.

What flowers should you avoid? Roses, although wonderful, must be stripped of thorns before they get to the Bride's bouquet - otherwise they mean suffering ... On the other hand, pansies and crocuses are a symbol of a lack of faith in the truth of feelings, so it's better to give them up.
And one more question - does it have to be a bouquet? Maybe one flower is enough? A rose on a long stalk or a sunflower with a simple, elegant dress can look as phenomenal as a large bouquet.

Wedding planner – is it worth using their support?
Is it worth using the services of a wedding planner? Opinions on this matter are divided. Some prefer to hire a specialist and have peace of mind, others cannot imagine entrusting the organization of the most important day of their lives to a stranger. If we are planning a small, intimate wedding, in addition at the place of residence, or just a party for the closest people in a nearby restaurant, we will certainly be able to take care of everything ourselves. Certainly, however, in a few cases it is worth seriously considering using the services of a wedding consultant. What are these situations?
When is help needed?
- Big wedding. If we plan to invite 70, 100 or 150 or more people. In this case, logistics really matters! The very issue of possible accommodation, coordinating commuting, transport to the Civil Registry Office or church, menu for people with other nutritional needs, wedding attractions, including possibly for children, can be difficult to grasp. And yet, for the Bride and Groom, it is usually a "side" thread, it basically focuses on preparing themselves, if you can put it that way, for the wedding and reception.
- Away wedding. Transport and accommodation, in the case of a wedding taking place outside the place of residence of the Bride and Groom and most of their families or friends, is another matter to deal with, not necessarily a very simple one.
- A wedding full of attractions for visitors.
- The wedding he'll be at a lot of kids. It is definitely worth hiring an animator in this case. Parents will be able to calmly play with adults, without worrying or annoying bored children. The wedding planner will find an experienced tutor.

- Inexperience in organizing any major events.
- No time. It is obvious that organizing a wedding takes time. Unless it is to be a very simple last minute wedding, without any additional attractions. In another case, organizing a wedding on your own means several months of making dozens of various decisions and contacting even a dozen or so subcontractors.
- Lack of organizational sense. Even if preparing a dinner for 6 people seems difficult to us (choosing the menu, shopping list, table decorations, preparing dishes, scheduling), it is better to entrust the preparation of your own wedding to wedding managers. We will avoid a lot of stress, waste of time and money. And we will certainly be more satisfied with the effect than if we took care of it ourselves.
- No desire. Some people just don't enjoy spending a lot of time on mundane organizational matters. They prefer to wait calmly for the wedding, knowing that someone else will do everything to the last detail.

What are weddings in Poland associated with?
Most of us, when asked what he associates a wedding with, will answer that with a wedding. And when asked what else, he will usually answer: z wedding Wyspianski. There are, of course, a whole lot of movies and comedies, mostly American, but not only, on this subject. And they create the image of this celebration to a large extent. And everyone who has been to at least one wedding knows that this image is a bit distorted. Usually it is not as dramatic as in Wojtek Smarzowski's films, nor as funny as in the unforgettable ones 4 weddings and a funeral…
Nasze doświadczenia zwykle są pozytywne i miło wspominamy polskie wesela. Rodzinna i przyjacielska atmosfera, piękne stroje oraz dekoracje, goście i przede wszystkim szczęśliwi Małżonkowie – to istota polskich wesel. Po latach chętnie oglądamy zdjęcia, wspominamy zabawne sytuacje i myślami wracamy do tamtej atmosfery. To coś więcej niż prosta komedyjka, to prawdziwie wzruszające przeżycie. I co najważniejsze, nasze własne.
Nowoczesne podejście do organizacji wesela w Polsce
Współczesne Polish weddings coraz częściej łączą tradycję z nowoczesnością, tworząc unikalne i spersonalizowane uroczystości. Młode pary decydują się na wprowadzenie innowacyjnych rozwiązań, takich jak interaktywne atrakcje dla gości czy ekologiczne dekoracje, które podkreślają ich indywidualny styl. Wybór odpowiedniego miejsca odgrywa kluczową rolę w kreowaniu atmosfery przyjęcia. A wedding in the mountains oferuje nie tylko malownicze krajobrazy, ale także możliwość zorganizowania ceremonii na świeżym powietrzu, co dodaje uroku i wyjątkowości całemu wydarzeniu.
Znaczenie lokalizacji i zakwaterowania podczas polskiego wesela
Wybór odpowiedniej lokalizacji ma kluczowe znaczenie dla sukcesu polskiego wesela. Coraz więcej par decyduje się na organizację przyjęcia w malowniczych regionach, takich jak Karkonosze, gdzie The Crown of the Karkonosze Manor oferuje nie tylko eleganckie sale, ale także komfortowe zakwaterowanie dla gości. Zapewnienie noclegu staje się istotnym elementem planowania, zwłaszcza gdy goście przybywają z odległych miejsc. Wedding with an overnight stay in the mountains pozwala na przedłużenie świętowania i integrację w kameralnej atmosferze, co jest coraz bardziej cenione przez młode pary.
Personalizacja i motywy przewodnie na polskich weselach
Współczesne Polish weddings charakteryzują się dbałością o detale i personalizacją każdego elementu uroczystości. A wedding hall in the mountains doskonale wpisuje się w te trendy, oferując naturalne otoczenie i możliwość dostosowania dekoracji do wybranego motywu. Personalizacja menu, muzyki oraz atrakcji dla gości sprawia, że Polish weddings stają się wyjątkowe i niepowtarzalne, pozostawiając niezatarte wspomnienia na lata. Dzięki możliwości organizacji wesela z noclegiem, pary młode mogą stworzyć wielowymiarowe wydarzenie, które trwa nie tylko jedną noc, ale oferuje także dodatkowe atrakcje w kolejnych dniach.

Wedding in Poland - dreams and reality
Is it possible to organize a dream wedding in Poland? Yes of course! However, much depends on our expectations and how much work and time we will devote to organizing this project.
And from our dreams... It is certainly not worth organizing a party dictated by other people. This is your day - the only one of its kind in your life! So if the vision of a conventional wedding does not appeal to you, realize your plan for a perfect wedding. Do not be afraid to follow your dreams. Your guests will definitely accompany you and enjoy your joy of a dream wedding!
Frequently Asked Questions
A wedding in Poland for couples from abroad?
In Poland, you can easily organize a wedding and reception for couples living abroad. Experienced wedding organizers, such as Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz, also offer assistance in completing the necessary formalities. In addition, they provide a ballroom, accommodation for guests, excellent catering and cooperation with proven subcontractors of all wedding services.
How to get from Germany to Sosnówka?
The most popular and easiest route from Germany to Sosnówka near Karpacz leads through the border crossing in Jędrzychowice (around Gorlitz). It is only 80 kilometers from the border. But also from Berlin you can reach it quite comfortably via the currently renovated motorway. The advantage of Sosnówka is also the proximity of the Czech Republic. From one place, you can visit the entire Sudety Mountains, especially the Karkonosze Mountains, and learn about the culture of two nations.
Wedding venues near Germany?
A very well-known and popular mountain resort is Karpacz. And in Sosnówka, equally beautifully located right next to Karpacz, there is Dwór Korona Karkonoszy. This stylish wedding mansion with a magnificent ballroom is a leader in the organization of weddings in Lower Silesia. It is only about 80 kilometers from the border with Germany. It has already hosted many successful weddings and international wedding receptions.
Karpacz weddings?
Karpacz is currently the most popular mountain resort, visited by crowds of tourists. For an intimate wedding, it is better to choose the neighboring Sosnówka, where there is a stylish wedding manor with over a hundred years old, restored wedding hall. Over 750 successful weddings have already been organized in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz.
Wedding hall Lower Silesia?
One of the most beautiful and tallest wedding halls in the region in Lower Silesia is located in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz. It is over 9 meters high, renovated Court Ballroom. Weddings have been held there for over 100 years! This is a place with a soul, where the wedding will be truly magical.