Corporate event: how to create the perfect one?

Office partyTips
Impreza firmowa Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

A corporate event – organizing it can be both an exciting and stressful experience. Regardless of whether you are planning a jubilee, St. Andrew's Day, Shrovetide, or an award ceremony, you certainly want the party to remain in the memory of your guests for a long time. Check how to organize a unique event! 

What will you learn from the article?

W artykule dokładnie wyjaśnimy, czym właściwie jest party corporate, what types are there? parties companies and what can be achieved with their help. We will also show you how to prepare a successful event for your company and what to pay attention to when organizing it. There will also be examples of interesting event attractions and suggestions for attractive places for a company event.


Impreza firmowa – definicja

Impreza firmowa to wydarzenie organizowane przez firmę dla swoich pracowników, klientów, partnerów biznesowych lub innych interesariuszy. Główne cele firmowych imprez to: świętowanie osiągnięć, budowanie pozytywnych relacji w zespole, promowanie marki lub po prostu integracja osób związanych z firmą.

Centrum Imprez Plenerowych, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, imprez firmowa

How to choose a theme parties corporate? 

Before you start looking for a theme, be clear about what kind of event you are going to host. Do you want to throw a party after hours or maybe on a day off? Are you planning a formal or informal party? you are preparing sport tournament for employees, a dance evening, or maybe an elegant one corporate banquet? Or maybe you want to organize a charity ball that will unite all your colleagues in a good cause? 

Once you've chosen a theme, brainstorm with your teammates to determine what to do together. If you want everyone to have fun, adjust the program of the company event to the personality and preferences of co-workers. Get to know their interests and the latest trends. Come up with a theme that most employees will like. Indicate that the party is open and everyone can come with an accompanying person. 

banner of the Korona Karkonosze Court

What is the difference between an event and a corporate event?

The terms "event" and "corporate event" are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference between them.

Event: termin ten odnosi się do wszelkiego rodzaju wydarzeń, które są organizowane w określonym celu. Event może obejmować różnorodne wydarzenia, takie jak konferencje, targi, koncerty, festiwale czy nawet office party. It is a general concept that covers a wide range of events that may be of different nature.

Company party to specyficzny rodzaj eventu, który jest organizowany przez firmę dla swoich pracowników lub klientów w celu świętowania ważnej okazji, nagradzania osiągnięć, budowania relacji lub po prostu integracji zespołu. Impreza firmowa może mieć różne formy, takie jak bankiety, pikniki lub wyjścia rekreacyjne. Charakterystyczną cechą imprezy firmowej jest to, że jest ona organizowana z myślą o pracownikach lub klientach danej firmy i jest często powiązana z celami biznesowymi lub kulturą organizacyjną firmy.

To summarize, the term "event" is a general term that refers to all types of events, while "corporate event" is a specific type of event organized by a company for its employees or customers in order to achieve specific business or social goals.

Where to organize a corporate event?

Where for an integration trip? If you want your event to be a great success, look for an atmospheric place. Make sure that the chosen venue will comfortably accommodate all participants, but at the same time it will not turn out to be too large. A room that is too small can make you feel claustrophobic and make you leave the event faster. On the other hand, too large a room causes some awkwardness and discourages interaction.

Before you make your final decision, see the premises and talk to the owner or manager. Read it carefully contract for the organization of the event before signing it. Pay particular attention to what is written in small print. Check what reviews a given place has on the internet. If you are sure you want to book them, do not hesitate. Reserve the day and time immediately so that no one will beat you.

Centrum Eventowe Dworu Korona Karkonoszy w Sosnówce koło Karpacza, Impreza firmowa

Czy imprezy firmowe w górach to dobry pomysł?

Corporate event - location matters, that's why company trip to the mountains is considered extremely attractive. The mountains offer beautiful scenery, the opportunity to organize a variety of outdoor activities and the opportunity to strengthen relationships between team members. In recent years, they have become the undisputed leader of the Polish mountains Karkonosze, captivating individual and corporate tourists with its charm, and encouraging with its excellent gastronomic and hotel infrastructure. 

Finding the right location in the mountains is crucial. It can be a resort mountain hotel, country house or other facility that offers accommodation and event space. For example, near Karpacz, the mountain capital of Poland, we will find Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, an event agency with its own facility for corporate events, offering over 100 scenarios for corporate events.

What to do during employee party in the mountains? Organizing a company event in the mountains, uwzględnij różne aktywności związane z otoczeniem, takie jak wędrówki po szlakach, jazda na nartach, jazda na rowerze górskim itp. Warto również zorganizować wspólne kolacje lub grillowanie na świeżym powietrzu. Corporate events in the mountains na pewno zintegrują zespół, zapewnią mu relaks i dostarczą niezapomnianych doświadczeń. Warto jednak pamiętać o odpowiednim przygotowaniu i koordynacji, aby wszystko przebiegło sprawnie i bezpiecznie.

Company integration - quads

Why organize corporate events?

Sometimes managers ask themselves: why organize corporate events? After all, this means costs. However, experience shows that this is true cost of a corporate event it's an investment. Into what? In a team, and therefore in a company. Company events are an excellent opportunity to build bonds between employees. Joint events outside the workplace allow you to get to know each other better, increase trust and improve team relationships.

Well-organized company events can be a reward for employees for their effort and commitment to work. They are also a signal that the company cares about its employees, which may motivate them to perform their duties better. Corporate events can also be a platform to promote the company's values and organizational culture. Through thematic events, presentations, competitions and other activities, you can strengthen employees' sense of belonging and identification with the company.

Jaki jest koszt imprezy firmowej?

Koszt imprezy firmowej może znacząco się różnić w zależności od wielu czynników, takich jak lokalizacja, liczba uczestników, rodzaj wydarzenia, menu, rozrywka, dekoracje itp. Cena wynajmu miejsca może być znaczącym czynnikiem. Lokalizacja w dużym mieście może być droższa niż w mniejszej miejscowości. Oczywiste też, że im większa liczba gości, tym wyższy koszt związany z jedzeniem, napojami i przestrzenią. Także wybór jedzenia i napojów będzie miała wpływ na koszty. Luksusowe menu będzie droższe niż prosty catering. Kolejne element generujący koszty to wynajem zespołu muzycznego, DJ or a bellwether. In addition, transport and possible accommodation.

Ostateczny koszt imprezy firmowej będzie zależał od tych czynników oraz od budżetu, jaki  mają organizers. It is recommended to plan your costs carefully to avoid unexpected expenses and organize a successful event.

Bubble football - impreza firmowa

Udane imprezy firmowe mogą przyczynić się do budowania pozytywnego wizerunku firmy zarówno wśród pracowników, jak i społeczności zewnętrznej. To może pomóc w przyciąganiu nowych pracowników oraz w promowaniu marki pracodawcy. Są także doskonałą okazją do nawiązywania nowych kontaktów biznesowych i budowania relacji z klientami, partnerami biznesowymi oraz innymi przedstawicielami branży.

To sum up, organizing corporate events can bring many benefits, including improving the atmosphere at work, motivating employees, building relationships and strengthening the company's image. Therefore, it is worth investing time and resources in these types of events.

When to organize a corporate event? 

When to organize a company trip? Date of organization of the company event zależy od wielu czynników, takich jak branża, cel imprezy, budżet, preferencje pracowników i dostępność miejsc. Przy organizacji integration trip warto uwzględnić spory zapas czasowy – najlepiej jest planować imprezę firmową z wyprzedzeniem. Daje to czas na dokładne przygotowanie i znalezienie odpowiedniego miejsca.

Staraj się unikać terminów, w których firma ma najwięcej pracy, aby nie obciążać pracowników dodatkowym stresem. Rozważ kilka różnych dat, aby dostosować się do dostępności miejsc i potrzeb pracowników. Pora roku może wpływać na rodzaj imprezy i place. Summer events can be organized outdoors, while winter events require a suitable place, rather indoors.

Also, make sure the date you choose doesn't conflict with the holiday season or other major industry events. Avoid dates that conflict with holidays or major cultural events. Consult with employees or organize a survey to determine the timing that works best for them. Check the availability of the places you are considering. Popular venues tend to book well in advance, so act fast.

Banquet for companies, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka, corporate event

How to dress for a corporate event?

Firmowe imprezy integracyjne rządzą się swoimi prawami. W związku z tym ubranie na imprezę integracyjną także podlega pewnym ograniczeniom. Wymaga uwzględnienia kilku czynników, takich jak rodzaj imprezy, dress codecompany culture and expectations of the organisers.

So what corporate party outfit will be suitable? Stylization first of all, it should be adapted to the type of corporate event. After all, we will wear one thing for a company sports Olympics, and another for a theme evening in the style of the 1920s. conference, and another for a weekend in the mountains spent on integration outdoor games.  

Jeśli nie jesteś pewien, jak się ubrać, najlepszym sposobem jest zapytanie organizatorów lub przejrzenie zaproszenia, aby dowiedzieć się, czy jest ustalony dress code. Często zaproszenie na imprezę firmową precyzuje tę kwestię. Dowiemy się wtedy, czy organizatorzy imprezy firmowej oczekują formalnego stroju, biznesowego casuala czy bardziej luźnego looku?

CTA block

Do you need the support of an experienced organizer of corporate events?

We'll take care of everything!
Prince Henry's castle and a view of the Sosnówka Reservoir

It is also worth remembering one thing - a company event is, after all, a business meeting. So avoid clothes that are too loose or short, even at more informal events. Also, bold, provocative or too eccentric styles may be inappropriate for corporate events. It is better to choose elegance and moderation. Often the color of the outfit is important. For example, at some corporate events organized by a company with a specific logo color, it is worth wearing clothes in these colors. However, avoid excessively emphasizing the company logo on clothes. It is also worth paying attention to what sector the company works in, because clothing may vary depending on the industry.

Czy do zorganizowania imprezy firmowej angażować pracowników?

Pamiętaj, że nie musisz wszystkiego robić sam. Zbierz grupę ludzi o podobnych poglądach, którym możesz oddelegować część zadań. Upewnij się, że współpracownicy nie tylko ucieszą się z powierzonych im obowiązków, ale też dobrze się z nich wywiążą.

Remember that you don't have to do everything alone. Gather a group of like-minded people to whom you can delegate some tasks. Make sure your co-workers not only enjoy their responsibilities, but also perform them well. Make sure that a well-liked employee takes care of the guest list, and an artistically talented employee prepares the decorations. In turn, the office gourmet can choose drinks and dishes for a corporate event. Ask him to prepare a nice mix of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. This way everyone will have fun. You can even hire a bartender to show off his skills and prepare original drinks. Or arrange beer tasting crafts - this type of attraction at a company event always works.

If you have a larger budget, you can order catering. A qualified and experienced team will help determine which dishes and drinks fit into the atmosphere of the party. Try to keep the menu varied. Make sure it includes both traditional meat dishes and their vegetarian counterparts.


Board game tournament for companies at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

What attractions for corporate events się sprawdzają?

most popular attractions at corporate events depend on the nature of the event, the goals of the organizers and the preferences of the participants. When organizing a corporate event, it is always worth taking into account the specificity of the employee group. Wybór atrakcji eventowych powinien być dostosowany do charakteru imprezy i celów, jakie chcemy osiągnąć.

Jeśli organizujemy imprezę dla kontrahentów, najlepszy będzie elegancki bal firmowy z występami celebrytów czy artystów. Można też zaprosić znanych prelegentów, którzy zaprezentują tematy związane z branżą lub rozwojem osobistym. Na imprezach firmowych można prezentować najnowsze technologie, produkty i rozwiązania z branży. Także koncerty lub występy muzyczne znanych zespołów lub artystów są częstą atrakcją na eventach firmowych. Podobnie występy artystyczne – iluzjonistów, tancerzy czy akrobatów, które  dostarczają rozrywki i niezapomnianych wrażeń.

Dlaczego warto zbudować Maszynę Goldberga?

Jeśli nasz wyjazd firmowy ma charakter integracyjny, niezastąpione będą różnego rodzaju gry i zabawy team buildingowe, na przykład Goldberg machine. Budowa maszyny Goldberga uczy współpracy, komunikacji, logicznego myślenia i kreatywności. A przy tym uczestnicy świetnie się bawią konstruując maszynę, która ma naprawdę działać.

Also different kinds of games and team games, contests and puzzles are a great way to integrate participants. You can organize play areas with board games, game consoles, billiards or darts can provide entertainment. Or very popular nowadays cooking workshops, allowing not only to gain new skills, but also to taste the products, bring employees closer together. On the other hand workshops and professional or personal development sessions conducted by subject matter experts can help employees improve their skills, especially the so-called soft skills.

Konstrukcja maszyny Goldberga w Dworze Korona Karkonoszy, impreza firmowa

Organizacja imprez firmowych w pigułce

Organizing team-building events for companies does not seem difficult at first glance.  How to organize a company event? Efficiently! Is it really that simple? Not always, but definitely very necessary. Organization of corporate events is an important element of building relationships in the workplace, team integration and promotion of corporate culture. So whether you're planning a get-together for a small team or a large corporate event, there are a few key steps to planning a successful corporate event.

Define the purpose of the corporate event

Before you start organizing an event, think about what the main purpose of the event is. Do you want to celebrate the achievements of the company, integrate the team, offer training or a lecture? A clearly defined goal will help in further planning.

Define the budget of the company event

Determine how much money you can spend on a corporate event. The budget includes the rental of the place, catering, decor, attractions and other costs related to the organization of the event.

CTA block

Are you looking for a place for a corporate event?

Dwór Korona Karkonosze invites you!
Dwór Korona Karkonoszy Event Center in Sosnówka near Karpacz

Select the date and location of the corporate event

Choose a convenient date and location that meets the needs of the event. Make sure the venue is big enough and has the necessary amenities. A hotel for a business trip should be comfortable.

Plan the agenda and program of the event

Make a schedule for the event, specifying start times, end times, and highlights of the agenda. If you are planning presentations or lectures, contact the speakers and book the necessary equipment.

Choose catering for a corporate event

Decide what kind of meals or snacks will be served at the party. Make sure participants' different food preferences and food allergies are accounted for.

Event decorations and branding

Decide how you want to decorate the event venue and what company branding elements will be used. This can include banners, flags, company logo T-shirts, etc.

Menu impreza firmowa

Registration management

If you're planning a larger event, set up an online or offline registration system to keep track of attendees and make it easier to get into the event.

Entertainment and attractions for a company event

If possible, add entertainment or activities to help bring participants together. These can be games, competitions, artistic presentations or shows. What games at a corporate event will work best? It depends largely on the specifics of the team.

Event communication and promotion

Prepare invitations or announcements about the event and take care of their distribution among employees. You can also use social media and the company website for promotion.

Event monitoring and evaluation

After the event, collect feedback from attendees and think about what could be improved for the future. This will help you organize your next successful corporate events.

Organization corporate events can help build a positive atmosphere in the workplace and strengthen the bonds between employees. It's important to align your planning with your company's needs and goals, and make sure attendees feel welcome and involved in the event. If you feel that organizing a company event is too difficult a task, turn to a professional organizer of corporate events.

Team building games and activities for a company event 

Popular integration games they have a low barrier to entry, which means anyone can participate. Participants do not have to demonstrate excellent physical skills or outstanding creativity to win. Ideas for company integration events? There are plenty of them. Event companies, dealing with the organization of employee events on a daily basis, offer many different game scenarios and team building games

Które gry integracyjne zaangażują uczestników imprezy?

Treasure hunters game will spice up any corporate event. Divide employees into teams and encourage healthy competition. Each team will have to work together to win. So create teams with representatives from different departments. To increase the involvement of colleagues, prepare an attractive prize for the winning team.

If you want to show employees that you appreciate original ideas, bet on detective game. The proposed game is full of surprises, secrets and sudden twists. Craft an engaging storyline and cast employees in different roles - one will be the murderer! The main character cannot unmask himself until the end of the evening. It should cleverly dispel the doubts of the other participants of the corporate event. Remember that your creativity translates into employee engagement. The detective game will improve the efficiency of cooperation and communication in the team.

Gra terenowa dla firm poszukiwanie skarbów, Impreza firmowa

Jak powstają the best corporate events?

It is worth starting planning a corporate event by specifying its purpose. Themed parties are perfect for corporate integration. That's often the best corporate events according to employees. They not only stimulate creativity, but also provide great entertainment. They also allow you to play different roles, which is useful in your professional work.

What themes to propose for a themed corporate event? A Hawaiian-themed corporate event? Or maybe Hollywood style corporate event, czyli elegancka impreza firmowa? Na taki event, z czerwonym dywanem, kamerami i atrapami Oscarów, pracownicy czy goście mogą przyjść ubrani jak gwiazdy filmowe. Także impreza tematyczna typu wieczór w kasynie, z grami karcianymi, ruletką i krupierami to okazja do włożenia eleganckich strojów.

It is also worth recommending a cowboy company party or a pirate adventure. Many employees would certainly like to become superheroes or go on a space journey with decorations depicting galaxies, alien creatures and future technology.

No matter what topic you choose, remember to adapt it to the culture of the company and the preferences of the participants. Decorations, costumes, music and games should harmonize with the chosen theme of the corporate event, creating an unforgettable atmosphere.

Remember that an entertainment program can take any shape and size. Get the party started with a contest or fun. A little friendly competition will liven up any party in no time. To give the party a special atmosphere, invite a music band, dance group or cabaret artists. Depending on the theme, you can even hire an animator who will prepare a handful of attractions for the participants.

Attractions for corporate events - casino, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka, corporate event

When planning a party, you can ask your co-workers what they would like to include. Make sure that most, if not all, of your team members participate, at least to a small extent, in the planning. In this way, you will arouse in them greater involvement and a sense of pride in the organized event. 

Ask colleagues what ideas and guidelines they have for organizing a corporate event. You can ask them for help in preparing the perfect one menutheme, decorations or attractions. List all suggestions and choose the best one. Make sure they align with your goals, budget, and company values and culture. 

Examples of corporate events

Corporate events can take different forms and have different goals. Here are some types of corporate events:

Bankiet lub gala. To elegancka impreza, podczas której pracownicy, klienci, partnerzy biznesowi i inni goście mogą celebrować osiągnięcia firmy, nagradzać wybitnych pracowników lub współpracowników oraz budować relacje biznesowe.

CTA block

Where to organize a corporate event?

Preferably in the mountains!
The summer resort of Sosnówka near Karpacz

Premiera produktu lub usługi. To wydarzenie, podczas którego firma prezentuje nowy produkt lub usługę swoim klientom, mediom i innym interesariuszom. To doskonała okazja do promocji marki i zdobycia uwagi na rynku.

Integration Party. Relaksacyjna impreza organizowana dla pracowników w celu budowania więzi w zespole, poprawy atmosfery w miejscu pracy i nagrodzenia za wysiłek i zaangażowanie.

Impreza w plenerze vs impreza w klubie – co wybrać?

Decydując się na organizację nieformalnej imprezy firmowej, przed właścicielem firmy lub managerem zespołu staje dylemat – czy lepiej zorganizować event na świeżym powietrzu, jak np. scenariuszową grę terenową, która doskonale integruje uczestników i zapewnia niezapomniane wrażenia, czy może optować za bardziej tradycyjną formą rozrywki i przenieść imprezę do klubu, gdzie pracownicy mogą się bawić do białego rana.

Wybór miejsca zależy od wielu czynników, takich jak preferencje zespołu, budżet, a także charakter firmy i cel imprezy. Impreza w plenerze daje większą swobodę i możliwość korzystania z różnorodnych atrakcji na świeżym powietrzu, podczas gdy impreza w klubie czy na sali zapewnia wysoki poziom obsługi, komfort i bezpieczeństwo, niezależnie od pogody. Najlepiej mieć wybór i wybrać się tam, gdzie możliwe jest połaczenie obu opcji 🙂

Olimpiada firmowa w Sosnówce, Impreza firmowa

Wydarzenie charytatywne. Firma może zorganizować imprezę charytatywną, podczas której zbierane są środki na wsparcie organizacji non-profit lub działań społecznych. Jest to również sposób na budowanie pozytywnego wizerunku firmy w społeczności.

Konferencja lub szkolenie. To wydarzenie edukacyjne, które może być organizowane dla pracowników, klientów lub innych interesariuszy w celu dzielenia się wiedzą, doświadczeniami i najlepszymi praktykami w danej dziedzinie.

Theme party. Wydarzenie o określonym temacie, na przykład hawajskie, wieczór karnawałowy lub retro party, które zapewniają zabawę i relaks dla uczestników.

Think about organizing 1920s corporate party.70s, 80s, or 90s. Ask your co-workers to choose costumes that relate to that decade. Encourage them to play together and be creative. You can even hold a competition for the best costume. To introduce employees to the right atmosphere, prepare stylish invitations and decorations.  

banner of the Korona Karkonosze Court

Team building – element imprezy firmowej, o którym warto pamiętać!

Team building jest niezwykle ważnym elementem imprezy firmowej, ponieważ może przyczynić się do zintegrowania pracowników, poprawy współpracy w zespole oraz wzmocnienia relacji między pracownikami. Daje on pracownikom możliwość lepszego poznania się nawzajem, budowania zaufania i wzajemnego zrozumienia. Poprzez wspólne uczestnictwo w różnych aktywnościach, pracownicy mogą nawiązać więzi, co przyczynia się do lepszego funkcjonowania zespołu.

During various team building tasks and challenges, employees must communicate effectively with each other to achieve common goals. This, in turn, can help improve communication in the workplace and reduce misunderstandings. Team building it can also help develop team skills such as collaboration, creative thinking, problem solving and group decision-making. These skills are crucial for the effective functioning of a team in the workplace.

Employees who participate in successful team building events tend to be more motivated and engaged at work. Experiencing positive experiences together can boost morale among employees and help increase their engagement. Especially since impreza firmowa z elementami team buildingu może być doskonałą okazją do przerwania rutyny codziennej pracy i zapewnienia pracownikom odskoczni od obowiązków zawodowych. To pomaga w redukcji stresu i poprawie ogólnego samopoczucia.


Ważne jest, aby impreza firmowa była dobrze zaplanowana i dostosowana do celów i preferencji firmy oraz uczestników. Niezależnie od swej formy, impreza firmowa może być ważnym narzędziem wpierającym rozwój przedsiębiorstwa. Warto pamiętać, że wydarzenie firmowe może przynieść znacznie więcej korzyści dla firmy i zadowolenia dla uczestników, gdy jest kreatywne i angażujące uczestników.

How to organize a party – see event configurator

Frequently Asked Questions

Corporate events Wrocław and the surrounding area?

Where for corporate events - Lower Silesia is perfect. Wrocław and its surroundings offer many interesting places and locations for organizing corporate events. There are numerous premises for corporate events, where every idea for a corporate event can be implemented. When it comes to Wrocław and the surrounding area, a company event for employees can take place in one of the hotels in the center of Wrocław, ideal for conferences, business meetings and elegant banquets. Organization of corporate events at the hotel is a convenient option. Restaurants and cafes in Wrocław's Old Town can be a great place to organize more intimate corporate events, such as dinners or integration meetings. In addition, numerous gardens allow for company meetings in the open air, although you can also go outside Wrocław, for example in the nearby Karkonosze Mountains. The vicinity of Wrocław is extremely rich in natural and historical attractions, so organizing trips around the area can be an interesting idea for a company event. Karpacz is currently the most visited region in Poland. An interesting event and conference facility can be found in Sosnówka near Karpacz - Dwór Korona Karkonoszy offers as many as 113 scenarios of all types of corporate events.

What do corporate events look like?

Corporate events vary in nature, purpose and form, but generally speaking, they are events organized by a company or enterprise for its employees, customers, business partners or other stakeholders. Here are some examples of corporate events: business meetings and conferences; integration outings such as picnics, bicycle trips, ski trips or trips to an amusement park; Christmas parties; integration meetings - team games and competitions or personal development workshops; charity events - concerts, auctions; events for clients - banquets, product presentations or joint outings for lunch; training and workshops; theme parties - in the style of the 80s, 20s, casino or Hollywood; sports events. All integration events for companies are intended to help build a positive atmosphere in the workplace, integrate the team and strengthen relations with clients or business partners.

Where for an integration party?

Organizing a company integration requires thinking over several issues - the date of the meeting, attractions for the company event and, above all, the location. So where to organize corporate integration? Preferably off-site. Why? For a corporate event, the key factor influencing the success of the event is the venue. It should be adapted to the nature of the event, the number of participants and the goals we want to achieve. A corporate integration trip is more attractive in the eyes of employees than an integration meeting at the workplace or even an integration trip to a nearby pizzeria or pub. Though of course it's also more expensive. However, organizing company events is part of employer branding activities, so the cost of a company event should not be the most important thing. A company event away simply "works" better than one organized at the company's headquarters. So where to take employees as part of team building activities? You can rent: a hotel, a conference center or a banquet hall, a restaurant, an event space, a nightclub or a bar, a park, beaches, a vineyard or a garden in the mountains (for example, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz has a spacious Center for Outdoor Events), a cultural center or a museum or a sports stadium. When choosing a location, it is also worth considering accessibility, budget, logistical needs and participants' preferences.

Attractions for corporate events?

Corporate event with attractions? Necessarily! Attractions for corporate events can significantly enrich the experience of participants and help to integrate the team and provide entertainment. Here are some ideas for attractions that can be included when organizing a corporate event: invite well-known speakers or industry personalities to deliver inspiring talks or lectures related to the theme of the event. Organize a concert or musical performance that will provide entertainment and allow guests to dance and have fun. Hire entertainers such as an illusionist, dancers, acrobats or clowns for an unforgettable experience. Create an entertainment zone with board games, game consoles, billiards, darts or karaoke where guests can have fun and compete. Organize cooking workshops or food or craft beer tastings where guests can learn how to cook or try different flavors. Playing in an escape room is also a great way to integrate the team. Outdoor corporate events can be spiced up with fireworks or light shows. Organize sports tournaments such as soccer, beach volleyball, or darts to allow employees to compete in a healthy way. Paintball is the perfect solution for teams that like adrenaline challenges. Organize all kinds of team games and competitions to help bring participants together, such as quizzes, puzzles, and talent contests. As you can see, there is no shortage of inspiration for an unforgettable corporate event. So what to choose? It is worth asking employees about their suggestions and ideas for attractions to make the event satisfying for everyone. One thing is certain – the event should not lack attractions.

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