Company meeting – how to organize it?

Office partyTips
Integration meeting at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

Spotkanie firmowe – dla jednych firm to codzienność, dla innych sporadyczne, jednak nie mniej ważne wydarzenia. Jak zorganizować spotkanie biznesowe, które przyniesie oczekiwane efekty? Podpowiadamy.

What will you learn from the article?

Organizowanie spotkań firmowych to kluczowy element strategii przedsiębiorstw, który może przynieść wiele korzyści, zarówno jeśli chodzi o załogę, jak i wizerunek marki. W niniejszym artykule zajmiemy się głównymi powodami, dla których warto inwestować w tego typu wydarzenia oraz przekażemy praktyczne wskazówki dotyczące planowania spotkań, wyboru odpowiednich miejsc oraz właściwego stroju biznesowego.


CTA block

Tailor-made company meetings?

We will organize them for you!
Sosnówka near Karpacz

Why organize a company meeting?

Sprawnie funkcjonująca firma ma większe szanse na odniesienie sukcesu w branży niż ta, która nie działa według żadnego systemu. Jak sprawić, żeby każdy członek zespołu wytrwale dążył do wspólnego celu? Kluczem do sukcesu są regularne company meetings. Periodic meetings are organized to calmly discuss all current matters related to the functioning of the company. This is also the right time to establish an action plan for the coming weeks and define short- and long-term goals.

Meetings with employees are the right time to discuss all current matters related to the operation of the company. It is also an excellent opportunity to negotiate with potential business clients and conclude new contracts. Conferences are a cure-all for many people! At company meetings you can present your ideas and expectations, solve larger or smaller problems together as a team and motivate each other to work.

Postaw na relacje biznesowe

Company meetings are also organized to establish new business contacts that help the company develop and may bring it closer to achieving success on the market. Conference with potential partners is an ideal opportunity to show the company from its best side and encourage other important companies or private individuals to cooperate. But how to organize a conference that will bring the expected results?

Sommelier Club w Dworze Korona Karkonoszy, spotkanie firmowe

The idea for a successful conference

Grunt to mieć dobry plan! Na początek należy określić purpose of the meeting corporate. It should be specific and very detailed. This will make it easier to determine issues that are worth discussing at the meeting.

Banner of the Dwór Korona Karkonoszy event agency

The goal is set, important business matters are written down, so it's time to define the schedule of the meeting - one of the most important elements! Why? A neat schedule will keep the meeting from being chaotic. Each participant will know what to expect from the conference, what issues will be discussed at it, as well as approximately how long hearings on a given topic will last. The agenda and purpose of the meeting should be included in the invitations to guests.

Ile kosztuje organizacja spotkania firmowego?

Organizacja spotkań firmowych szytych na miarę jest inwestycją, która wymaga dokładnego rozplanowania budżetu i zrozumienia potrzeb uczestników. Koszt takiego przedsięwzięcia może znacznie różnić się w zależności od wielu czynników, takich jak liczba uczestników, wybrana lokalizacja, zakres dostarczanych usług (catering, dodatkowe atrakcje) oraz długość spotkania.

Warto pamiętać, że dobrze zorganizowane spotkanie firmowe jest nie tylko okazją do zbudowania solidnych relacji biznesowych, ale także doskonałą inwestycją w wizerunek firmy i motywację pracowników. Dlatego kluczowe jest znalezienie balansu między oczekiwaniami a możliwościami budżetowymi, co umożliwi stworzenie wydarzenia, które na długo pozostanie w pamięci wszystkich uczestników.

Bankiet dla firm, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka koło Karpacza, spotkanie firmowe

Koszt spotkania firmowego może być bardzo zróżnicowany. Zależy od wielu czynników, takich jak liczba uczestników, lokalizacja, wybór miejsca, czas trwania, rodzaj wydarzenia, zakres usług, catering, technologia, wyposażenie, prelegenci, marketing i wiele innych.

Depending on all these variables, the cost of a corporate meeting can range from several hundred through several thousand to even several dozen thousand per participant. Therefore, it is important to carefully plan all aspects of the event before it is held. When planning a meeting for your company, it is worth using corporate event configurator. This convenient and intuitive tool will allow us to quickly estimate costs company event.

You cannot come to a company meeting without proper preparation. The person conducting the meeting should equip himself with the necessary tools and documents that will allow him to exhaust the topic to the maximum and make it look professional in the eyes of the participants. The best solution is to prepare presentations, diagrams and charts. Don't forget about the necessary materials for the participants of the meeting. Tables where meetings will take place should have writing utensils, notebooks for everyone, and bundles of documents summarizing all the issues that were raised at the meeting.

Jakie zasady spotkań biznesowych trzeba znać?

The choice is also important placeswhere the meeting will take place. Of course, you can organize it at the company's headquarters, but a much better solution is to move the meeting to a neutral place - e.g. to a special conference room in hotel, manor house or guesthouse. Conference w takim miejscu nie tylko będzie bardzo przyjemna, ale również przyniesie oczekiwane rezultaty.

Odpowiednio przystosowana sala konferencyjna sprzyja skupieniu i kreatywności. Uczestnicy spotkania czują się swobodniej niż w firmowych murach. Nie boją się wyrażać swoich opinii i proponować nietuzinkowych rozwiązań – a jak dobrze wiemy porządna burza mózgów to klucz do wielu kreatywnych pomysłów, które zbliżają firmę do sukcesu na rynku!

Bankiet firmowy w Dworze Korona Karkonoszy w Sosnówce, spotkanie firmowe

Company meetings step by step

Organizing a successful corporate meeting requires careful planning and implementation of many steps. In order for business partners or employees to make a good impression, nothing should be left to chance. Here are the steps you should take to organize such a meeting step by step:

CTA block

Are you looking for the perfect place for a company meeting?

Dwór Korona Karkonosze invites you!
The summer resort of Sosnówka near Karpacz, view of the reservoir

Step 1: Determining the purpose of the company meeting. Think about why you are organizing this meeting and what goals you want to achieve? What will be the topic of the meeting? This will help determine the scope, content and nature of the meeting.

Step 2: Select a date and location. Choose a convenient date and time for the meeting, taking into account the availability of participants. Also choose an appropriate location that meets the needs and expectations of participants. For a company meeting, choosing a place is a key issue. It is best to prepare a meeting outside the office, because then the atmosphere is more friendly.

Step 3: Budget and finances. Determine the meeting budget, taking into account the costs of renting a place, food, transport, equipment, attractions etc. Determine what will be the sources of financing for the meeting.

Step 4: Creating a schedule. Create a meeting schedule, including time for various sessions, breaks and activities.

Step 5: Registration of participants. Create a participant registration system and plan how to collect contact details and possible dietary preferences.

Step 6: Selecting suppliers. Find suppliers who will provide catering, technical, decoration services during a business meeting, etc., and then establish cooperation with them.

Step 7: Program planning. Prepare a business meeting agenda, including presentations, training sessions, guest appearances, competitions or other activities.

Company anniversary gala at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, company meeting

Step 8: Communication and invitations. Develop promotional materials and invitations for participants. Send an invitation to a business meeting.

Step 9: Logistics. Arrange transportation for participants if necessary. If it will be a meeting outside the company's headquarters, for example a business meeting with an overnight stay, you will need to find a hotel for the conference. Make sure the facility has well-equipped meeting rooms and the right equipment.

Step 10: Food and drinks. Choose menus and food options that suit participants' preferences. Make sure drinks are available throughout the meeting.

Step 11: Plan attractions and entertainment. Organize attractions, games, activities or artistic performances that will make the participants' time more enjoyable.

Step 12: Technical support. Hire staff to operate your technical equipment and make sure everything is running smoothly.

Step 13: Reservations and confirmations. Confirm all bookings and services with suppliers before the day of your appointment.

Step 14: Monitor and manage. During the meeting, supervise the course of the business meeting, solve any problems and ensure the satisfaction and comfort of the participants.

Step 15: Thanks and summary. After the meeting, thank participants and evaluate the activities to draw conclusions for the future.

Step 16: Analysis and reporting. After the business meeting, analyze the effectiveness of the event and prepare a report that will help assess the goals achieved.

Sala Szkoleniowa Refektarz w Dworze Korona Karkonoszy, spotkanie firmowe

Corporate organization parties can be a complex process, so it is important to carefully plan and coordinate all aspects of the meeting. A well-thought-out and organized company meeting can help achieve business goals and strengthen team relationships.

Jaki catering wybrać na spotkanie firmowe?

A company meeting can last up to several hours. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure complete comfort for participants. In addition to comfortable seats, air conditioning and drinks, he should appear at the meeting catering.

A good solution is to order a buffet with cold snacks that participants can consume during short breaks between subsequent conference blocks. It is also worth taking a longer lunch break, during which a hot meal will be served - consisting of soup, a main course and dessert.

Fish buffet, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, company meeting

Where to organize a company New Year's meeting?

Where is it worth organizing? Christmas meeting? When organizing a company New Year's meeting - either Company Christmas Eve – it is worth choosing a place that will create the right atmosphere for celebration, team integration and possibly a summary of the past year.

If the meeting is for entertainment purposes, you can rent a nightclub or a place with a dance floor. Small company meetings can be organized in a rented villa, manor house or palace. Employee team will be able to spend time together in comfortable conditions.

Dlaczego hotel ma znaczenie?

Elegant banquet, 1920s themed party. if Hollywood themed party these are dream types parties for the New Year's meeting. It is best to organize such events in conference hotels. They usually have it ballrooms or banquet, constituting a perfect background for chic outfits. It is also important that they also offer accommodation for guests, and during a company meeting it is worth ensuring the comfort of the participants. Don't forget about invitations, decorations and attractions for a unique company meeting.

If team members are geographically dispersed and the meeting is international, consider hosting a virtual meeting using a video conferencing platform. Although an online meeting is not the same as direct contacts and business talks, sometimes this event model also works.

Organization of a business meeting in a manor house, conference facility, hotel or guesthouse is an excellent opportunity to invite participants to a company party after the meeting. Company party it's a perfect way to relax after a long day in the conference room. This is the perfect time to establish friendships and have quiet conversations on topics other than work. It's also in great shape integration employees. Company party it brings people together and makes the atmosphere in the workplace relaxed and pleasant.

Jak się ubrać na spotkanie biznesowe?

Wybór odpowiedniego stroju na spotkanie biznesowe jest kluczowym elementem przygotowań i może znacząco wpłynąć na wynik organizacji firmowego spotkania. Ubiór, który wybierzesz, powinien odzwierciedlać profesjonalizm i być dostosowany do charakteru spotkania firmowego. Niezależnie od tego, czy jest to formalne zebranie z ważnym klientem, czy bardziej swobodne spotkanie z zespołem, ważne jest, aby strój był schludny i adekwatny do okoliczności.

Dla mężczyzn klasyczny garnitur w stonowanych kolorach to zawsze bezpieczny wybór, podczas gdy kobiety mogą zdecydować się na prostą w kroju sukienkę. Pamiętaj, że sposób, w jaki się prezentujesz, może przemawiać na Twoją korzyść, budując wizerunek profesjonalisty, któremu warto zaufać.


Costume party, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Sosnówka near Karpacz, company meeting, employee integration

Why is it worth organizing company meetings?

Organizing company meetings is profitable for both employees and the company itself. It benefits everyone. Company meetings create an opportunity for direct communication between team members, managers and employees, which promotes a better understanding of the company's goals and strategies and builds better relationships.

CTA block

The best company meetings?

In Dwór Korona Karkonoszy!
Court Ballroom

Inna odpowiedź na pytanie, dlaczego organizować spotkania firmowe brzmi: są doskonałą okazją do wymiany pomysłów, opinii i doświadczeń między pracownikami różnych działów, co może prowadzić do nowych pomysłów i innowacji. Pozwalają na omówienie ważnych kwestii dotyczących strategii, celów, problemów czy zmian w firmie, co pozwala na lepsze zrozumienie sytuacji. Regularne spotkania firmowe mogą wspomagać budowanie pozytywnej kultury organizacyjnej, opartej na otwartej komunikacji, współpracy, zaufaniu i wzajemnym szacunku.

Company meetings can also be used to promote the company, its products or services, as well as to build relationships with clients, business partners and the media. It is also an opportunity for training, workshops and presentations that help develop employees' skills and update their knowledge.

Where to organize a company meeting?

Choosing a place where to organize a company meeting depends on many factors, such as budget, number of participants, purpose of the meeting, company location and preferences. Here are some suggestions for places that might be suitable:

  1. conference room in a hotel - they are usually equipped with the necessary audio-visual equipment and provide catering,
  2. the conference center provides comprehensive technical support,
  3. restaurant or banquet hall it will be good for more intimate meetings or a business meeting combined with a reception,
  4. an exhibition center or sports arena will work well for a very large number of participants when you are planning a large-scale event,
  5. a coworking space offering the possibility of renting a room for business meetings is a good option, especially for smaller companies,
  6. outdoors – if the weather permits and you want to organize the meeting in a more unconventional setting, you may consider organizing the meeting outdoors, for example in a park or garden.
Room for corporate events at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, corporate meeting

Czy wspólna zabawa to dobry sposób na team building?

Wspólna zabawa podczas spotkań firmowych szytych na miarę to klucz do skutecznego team buildingu. W dobie dynamicznych zmian na rynku pracy oraz rosnącej konkurencji, budowanie silnych, zgranych zespołów jest ważniejsze niż kiedykolwiek. Integracja poprzez dobrze zaplanowane, niestandardowe aktywności nie tylko wpływa pozytywnie na atmosferę w zespole, ale również umożliwia lepsze poznanie się pracowników, odkrywanie ich ukrytych talentów i umiejętności.

Działania te sprzyjają wymianie doświadczeń i pomysłów, co z kolei może przyczynić się do wzrostu innowacyjności i efektywności pracy. Możliwość dostosowania programu spotkań do specyfiki danej firmy i potrzeb jej pracowników to dodatkowy atut, który czyni z takich spotkań nie tylko okazję do zabawy, ale również narzędzie strategiczne w budowaniu silnej, zaangażowanej i efektywnej zespołu

Banner of the Dwór Korona Karkonoszy event agency


Najlepsze spotkania to takie, które są dobrze zorganizowane i atrakcyjne dla uczestników. Jak je zorganizować? Jakie powinny mieć cechy? Kluczem do udanego spotkania jest zrozumienie potrzeb i oczekiwań uczestników oraz staranne zaplanowanie każdego aspektu wydarzenia.

First of all, a company meeting should have a clearly defined purpose and be consistent with the company's strategic goals. It should engage participants through interactive presentations, discussions, group exercises, case studies, etc. Interaction allows for better understanding of the topics discussed and builds participants' commitment. A competent, inspiring and skillful presenter is important.

Czasem warto zmieniać formę spotkania, aby uniknąć monotonii. Można wykorzystać różne techniki, takie jak prezentacje, dyskusje panelowe, warsztaty, gry symulacyjne itp., aby zorganizować najlepsze spotkanie firmowe. Miejsce i czas spotkania powinny być starannie dobrane, aby zapewnić komfort i wygodę uczestnikom. Po zakończeniu spotkania warto przeprowadzić ocenę, aby dowiedzieć się, co było dobrze, a co można poprawić.

Spotkania firmowe mogą motywować pracowników poprzez podkreślenie ich osiągnięć, docenienie pracy i zaangażowania, a także przez wyznaczanie nowych celów i wyzwań.

Organizacja spotkania firmowego nie jest prostym zadaniem. Jednak dobry plan może zdziałać cuda! Grunt to ustalić porządny harmonogram. Dzięki niemu zebranie przebiegnie gładko i przyniesie oczekiwane efekty. Jeśli jednak brak nam czasu, doświadczenia i pomysłów, jak zorganizować efektywne i ciekawe spotkanie, zawsze można zwrócić się do firmy eventowej. Profesjonaliści z Court of the Crown of the Karkonosze Mountains from Sosnówka near Karpacz will propose an interesting program of the company meeting and prepare the entire event.

How to organize a party – see event configurator

Frequently Asked Questions

Places for a company meeting in Wrocław?

Where to organize a business meeting? Wrocław is an exceptionally beautiful city that offers many places suitable for organizing company meetings. The choice of venue depends on several factors - the number of participants, budget, the nature of the event and the organizer's preferences. Here are some suggestions: conference hotels; conference centers that have various sizes of conference rooms and technical facilities; restaurants - if you are looking for a more intimate place for a business meeting; museums and art galleries - if you want to give your company meeting a slightly more cultural character; theaters and auditoriums - if you are planning a larger event; nightclubs and bars - if you want to organize a more informal company meeting.

An alternative to a company meeting in the city may be a trip to the nearby Karkonosze Mountains, for example to Sosnówka near Karpacz. A company meeting outside the city - for example at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy - guarantees a more intimate atmosphere, which favors the concentration and integration of participants.

Business meeting in a restaurant?

A business meeting in a restaurant is a great idea if you are looking for an intimate and pleasant environment for business talks. Choose a restaurant that will suit the nature of the meeting. If it's a more formal meeting, look for a venue with elegant decor and menu. If the meeting is rather informal, you can choose a place with a more relaxed and friendly character. Book a table in advance to make sure there is a place for you and your guests.

Check with your corporate meeting attendees to see if they have any dietary preferences, allergies or dietary restrictions. Choose a restaurant that offers suitable dishes for everyone. Consider whether you want to order alcohol during the meeting. If so, make sure the venue has a good selection of drinks. Don't forget about non-alcoholic drinks. Make sure that the table and chair arrangements in the restaurant will be conducive to conversations. Consider whether orders will be placed individually by participants or whether you will opt for a fixed menu or buffet. If it's a more confidential meeting, make sure the restaurant is discreet and provides privacy for participants. Before the company meeting itself, contact the restaurant to confirm the reservation and organizational details.

What to do at a corporate party?

Corporate events often consist of two parts. First, there are workshops or training sessions, and after the training part, usually in the evening, there is a more entertaining part, which serves to relax and build bonds in the team. Here are some ideas for what you can do at a company event: team building games and activities, dancing, karaoke, artistic shows, competitions, picnic, bonfire, board game tournament, craft beer, cheese or wine tasting. You can also organize a company theme party, for example a casino, a Hollywood-style ball or a Hawaiian party. Such a corporate event is an excellent opportunity to integrate the team - a company meeting and an integration event in one.

How to organize a company meeting?

Many people ask themselves how to organize a company meeting? Here are some key steps to take when organizing a corporate meeting: defining the goals of the meeting; selecting the date and location of the event; creating a detailed agenda; sending out invitations; preparation of necessary materials; organizing meals; post-meeting evaluation. Following these steps will help you organize a successful corporate meeting that will be effective, engaging and rewarding for all participants.

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