Integration dance games - a way to spice up a company event

Attractions for eventsOffice partyTeam building
Integration dance games for corporate events

cyclical parties company can bring many benefits! First of all, they are a great form of employee integration, which plays a key role in the proper functioning of the company. In addition, they help relieve the stress associated with everyday work duties, and facilitate building a strong, harmonious team of employees. However, to maximize the potential parties companies, it is worth contributing to their organization properly. An important element of such events are properly selected attractions. An example could be integration dance games. What are we talking about? We explain.

What benefits does integration bring? 

Ineffective communication in the team, frequent conflicts, poor atmosphere in the workplace, and consequently lack of motivation to act, failure to use the group's potential and lack of success on the market - these are just some of the many problems that may arise in a company when group integration limps. Integration is an integral part of the functioning of any business. It is thanks to it that employees have the opportunity to get to know each other better, understand their needs and characters, as well as build a relaxed, friendly atmosphere in the workplace.  

Integration brings many benefits. First of all, it affects the efficiency of the team's work. In a well-coordinated, efficiently functioning group of employees, conflicts are rare, communication is at the highest level, everything is done on the basis of cooperation. An integrated team can do more. It can be spectacularly successful on the market and lead the company to the top. The most popular form of integration are office party. An integration event is the perfect time to build friendly relations between employees, improve the atmosphere in the group and take a break from everyday work duties. After such an event, the team will return to work relaxed and motivated. 

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Integration dance games - where to start? 

How to organize an event for staff? First of all, you need to determine the nature of the event. A safe solution will be a classic party - dinner with music in the background. Such an event is a neutral option that should appeal to most people. However, instead of a traditional party, you can organize a themed party - e.g. Hawaiian. The main theme will make the event unique, one of a kind. Participants of such fun will certainly remember the event for a long time. 

A big role is played by the place where we will organize the impreza. The best solution will be a specially adapted, sufficiently large ballroom - equipped with a spacious parquet floor. It is worth choosing a place in a manor house, hotel or guesthouse that provides comfortable accommodation. Reservation hotel for a business trip it's always a great option. Participants of the fun after wiafter an hour of madness, they will be able to go to a quiet rest in the reserved rooms. 

Integration dance games for corporate events

A corporate event cannot miss delicious, aromatic dishes, refreshing drinks and crazy, dance music - preferably played live! How to spice up the party? Enriching them with interesting attractions for participants! Integration dance games will be perfect, as they will not only provide guests with a huge dose of laughter and lots of positive emotions, but will also bring them closer together and have a positive impact on relationships. 

Ideas for integration dance games 

dance integration games at a company party can be compared to wedding receptions - they improve the atmosphere, provide a huge dose of laughter and perfectly integrate the participants! 

The most popular form of integration dance games are dance competitions. Volunteers pair up. From among the remaining guests, a jury is selected to evaluate the performances of the contestants. Participants dance to the rhythms played by the music band. The game is divided into several rounds. All players participate in the first one. After each one or more pairs fall off. The best two pairs go to the finals. One of them will be the winner after presenting its final performance. 

The dance competition can be conducted in a slightly different form. Guests are divided into several teams of 5 or 6 people. The music band selects a song to which the participants must create a short choreography (e.g. up to 30 seconds of the song). Groups have 15 minutes to come up with and learn the steps. Then, each team presents its layout to the jury, which evaluates the performance with notes from 1 to 10. The team with the most points wins. 

A game that is very popular, and which some may know from weddings, is dancing around the chairs. He places it in the middle of the room chairs - one less than the number of participants. The players dance around the chairs to the rhythm of the music played by the band. When the music stops, they have to sit on the chairs as soon as possible. A person for whom mplaces, it's gone. One chair is removed in the next round. The game continues until there are two people and one seat left on the dance floor. 

Integration dance games for corporate events

Integration dance games with prizes 

Another way to diversify the dance fun are competitions - especially those with small props will work well for integration events. Such games will not only bring employees closer to each other, but also teach them to cooperate and communicate effectively. An example of a prop competition is group hula hooping. Participants of this interesting dance integration game are divided into several teams - six or seven people each. Each team gets several hula hoops - they can be in different sizes. The players hold hands. Their task is to put all the hoops through the "human chain" as quickly as possible, all the while holding hands. The first team to do so wins! The prize can be bottles of good alcohol, a set of sweets or some other interesting trinket - e.g. with the company logo.  

Integration dance games are a great way to spice up a company event. Such attractions will bring employees closer to each other and provide them with a lot of amazing experiences and topics for everyday conversations over morning coffee. 

How to organize a party – see event configurator

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